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Removing A-pillar trim?


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Had a look, nothing on Audipages, but in Audiworld there is a tech but the A8 info seems to relate to older model without the curtain airbag - he was replacing with an A-pillar turbo dial, the trim for which is only the A-Pillar, where mine extends back to the B-pillar. It might just all clip on, but I don't want to start tugging & breaking clips.

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Removing and installing upper A-pillar trim

1. Upper A-pillar trim

o Removing:

o ; Remove coat hook -Item 70-31.

o ; Remove grab handle -Item 70-30.

o ; Detach rubber door seal in area of trim.

o ; Detach trim towards centre of vehicle, starting at B-pillar.

2. A-pillar

3. Bracket

o Number varies depending on year of manufacture

4. Plug-in nut

5. Coat hook

o Removing => Page 70-31

6. Cross-head screw - 5 Nm

7. Cross-head screw - 5 Nm

o 2 off

8. Front grab handle

o Removing => Page 70-30




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