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  • Occupation
    Computer Guy :-)
  • Car Make
    VW Passat V6 Tdi
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    VW Passat V6 Tdi

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. My friend had a passat when they were quite new,about 18 months ago, it was the 1.9 tdi one. That only did 43mpg daily up and down the M6. My 2.5 V6 Tdi does better then that @ 48 :-) .
  2. Hi, I have a V6 TDi 2001, and i have run it on 100% B100 Bio for over 12 months now, and its fine.... However a few fellow users of bio with newer cars "2004 +" seem to had little problems. One guy has a 54 reg golf tdi and he has hot starting problems, so when the engine is warm it takes a few turns to start again, this seems to be related to the heater plugs not staying on very long when the car has been running. Another guy has a 56 reg Passat Tdi, which has had a splutter or two when running on B100. Both these people have found that running on a manual mix of 50% Bio 50% pump diesel or so resolves any running problems. Thanks
  3. i think my old XR3I used the bosch K injection system, try some ford breakers for spares... Maybe ?? :-)
  4. i used some millers in my passat before i started using biodiesel, the car seemed to be better after the millers. But could just be me expecting a change, didnt seem to do any harm anyway.
  5. Subzero

    Which Tyres?

    :-) , Well i had mine fitted on 12/04/06 , i have done about 10,000 miles on them. They are still going, prob about 65% worn or so, they dont look like they need replacing any time soon.
  6. Subzero

    Which Tyres?

    I have dunlop Sport SP01's on mine and the road noise is much less than the pirelli's which i had before.. Good grip aswell havnt noticed the TC light as often with the dunlops ..
  7. Hi dave, I also have a 2.5 V6 TDi Passat, and i am thinking of chipping it... so i would be interested to see if any one on here has done it. what year is yours ? mine is a 2001 its 150bhp ver i think.
  8. I had the same on my 2001 Passat , Turned out to be a faulty battery (CAR). i discovered this by hooking the car to another car/battery by jump leads, then the locking worked fine.
  9. I had 4 dunlop sport sp01's about 4 months ago, a very quiet tyre, cost about £240 with postage. The car seem to handle great with them :-)
  10. Thanks for the info rusty :-) lordz, your right info is a little hard to come by....
  11. Hi all, I am trying to find out how much oil my 2001 2.5 V6 Tdi passat holds, as i am hoping to do a change this weekend. Also does 5/30 semi synthetic sound ok for the type of oil to use? Many thanks
  12. Hello all, Does any one have an idea where i might be able to source injector number 3 for my V6 passat ? I would really like to find a second hand one but i am really having a hard time and a new one is £280 +vat from VW Thanks
  13. Subzero


    could be quite good fun though ay
  14. Subzero


    i have a v6 tdi 2001 passat and have been running B100 for about 5 months now, seems a little down on power but i can live with that for the cheaper running costs :-)
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