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Everything posted by Brazo

  1. I think mine must have given up a long time ago I used to get loads of comments and now they just ignore me walking past with an almost disgusted look as I try the next product combo on my car! Need a bigger garage so I can lock myslef in lol!
  2. Thanks for your kind words Andrew Cupramax you could try http://www.southcoastdetailing.co.uk/ Products used on above car were Optimum no rinse wash, Sonus green clay, Menzerna Intensive polish (Pro-ceramiclear) at 900rpm with a megs polishing pad and then Menzerna final finish polish with a megs finishing pad at 900 and then 600rpm. The detail was undertaken through www.theshinefactory.co.uk with www.cleanandshiny.co.uk recommended for their great aftercare products. Car was then treated to Chemical guys EZ cream glaze to provide a good acrylic base for Andrews swissol shield wax to stick to.
  3. Brazo

    Swirl tastic

    Cupramax if you sign up to detailingworld there are a few people who can help you in Bournemouth area Carmad the zaino Z5 is a paint sealant or synthetic wax rather than a polish, it has some filling properties but tbh nothing to even whisper about. The z2pro is 'exactly' the same a synthetic wax or sealant although offers no 'filling properties'.
  4. ^It would appear megs have run out temp! I know www.cleanandshiney.co.uk have some in stock
  5. Its called AG powermax 3 and 5L can be bought for about £13 from an AG trade rep, look on the AG website for your neaest one. Its dilutable so you actually get 25 litres for your money!!! If you only use it on wheels might I recommend meguiars wheel brightener works out at about £19 for 4L dilutable to 20 litres, most effective wheel cleaner I have used, check the megs UK shop
  6. [ QUOTE ] Just found this company in UK who can supply PC Random Orbital Polisher. Price seems reasonable although you need a transformer to convert the electric to 240v. Looking at US sites they seem to retail for $100 - $130 so not a bad rate of exchange and you don't need to worry as much about postage costs. Max Tool [/ QUOTE ] Its actually an american company, check the postage
  7. ^^TBH Clean image is the expert on supaguard on here but..... and whilst I have 'trouble' accepting its mega year claims I have absolutly no doubt it will last a year so if its not beading in a just waxed way after a week then I seriously doubt they applied it at all. Even if not applied propelry it would give more than a weeks worth of protection. A trip back to the stealer who sold it on ebay me thinks
  8. ^^Does the surface bead water?
  9. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Wax a windscreen? You are joking, aren't you? [/ QUOTE ] me thinks so! [/ QUOTE ] Nope hes not joking although certain waxes may smear, best to use a synthetic wax such as rain-x,
  10. ^^Nope but they use sponges and chamiois leathers, They will start off by steam cleaning and removing your wax before they get the gravelly sponge out. I have repaired and seen far too much delaer inflicted damage to know that they employ monkeys to wash the cars. I'm not saying their aren't any good dealer valeters, I'm just yet to find one! The manager of my local dealership got quite agitated when I said I didn't want my car washed, he asked why and I said have you seen the state of the cars in your showrrrom? He looked at me as if I was talking rubbish, I then showed him all the spiderwebbing nicely illumintaed in the lighting and again he looked at me stupid and said thats normal! Thats what your up against!
  11. Brazo


    Plastic? But you knew that anyway lol! I don't know what kind of plastic but for a natural non greasy/shiney look megs inteior detailer is a great product
  12. A cautionary tale about why to avoid dealers washing your car at all costs!
  13. ^You should put a stunning blonde in your complaints department so when blokes come in to complain (not that they would!) their complaints will just 'melt away'!
  14. [ QUOTE ] Can u use NXT Tech Wax on Metallic/Pearl Effect cars. [/ QUOTE ] Yep you can
  15. Brazo

    wing mirror glass

    TomK a replacement stick on bit of glass from Halfords will cost you about £6 maybe easier in the long term - will look exactly as new albeit a tad thicker!
  16. Brazo

    wing mirror glass

    '0000' grade wire wool and autoglym glass polish will do the trick nicely. Oh and don't get any on the wing ;-)
  17. Brazo

    Fabric Protector

    I import mine from www.pakshak.com
  18. Brazo

    Fabric Protector

    [ QUOTE ] £79.99 You have got to be kidding. [/ QUOTE ] The fabric guard is £12.99
  19. Brazo

    Fabric Protector

    303 fabric guard its good stuff
  20. THought i'd resserect an old thread rather than starting my own as I'm sure jonny is bored of hearing it but top service, top products and good prices! Result and many thanks Brazo
  21. ^^Good post Neil Them collinite waxes almost make sealants worthless!!!!! PS don't quote me on the above ;-)
  22. Yes souveran is a great wax and will make a well prepped car* look stunning. My only reservation about this wax is durability although this affects 'ME' as a high mileage user and if you have a garage queen the souveran could be the perfect wax for you! *Ultimatly its claying followed by polishing that will give you the best results, yes you will need to use a 'wax' on top but applying a good wax to a poor paint surface won't give great results. You could say a wax will add the final 5-10% of any products that you use. For example if you clay, polish the paint and have a great surface to begin with then any wax including any wax from halfords will look good. From all the waxes I have tried souveran added the most in looks but I require a sealant for durability. Meguiars NXT tech wax below Clearkote vanilla moose and poorboys EX-P below Zaino z2 and zfx below
  23. Audi clear is very hard. IMO a rotary is a must, I couldn't have done this without a pc, nor am I a pro though. A rotary isn't easy to use and god knows i'm still learning but in the hands of a committed and knowledgable enthusiast they can be safe.
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