... and a clean pair of trousers ...
a little explanation ... A4 3.0TDi (233) man 3yo+2 months, 72K ..few niggles but nothing serious to date. Pulled out of a side road onto dual carriageway - 1st gear, 2nd ..cough ..died. Chap in articulated truck bearing down on me at 60ish, just managed to get it onto verge as he thundered past. Impressive air horn! Glow plug light is flashing, nothing else. Switched off, switched on, dash says OK, started fine.
Ideas appreciated please before a) it kills me or b)the stealer bankrupts me.
(Thinking about it some more -there is a bit of possible history - maybe once a month it will give a little cough - like a misfire (but diesel!) - then carry on fine, no pattern to when this happens. Stealer never seen error code at service-i always ask)