Hi all,
Great forum and very useful!
I've been looking at servicing my (E90) BMW , I've done various cars in the past but the BM has a slightly different set up as most of you will know!
I've looked underneath the car and found a "trapdoor" which appears to house the oil sump, mine is black with a 17mm black bolt but this points straight down, unlike other cars I've had it would mean you can't use a regular ring spanner to undo the nut, can someone let me know if this is actually the oil sump nut before I undo it?!
Also the oil filter access is very restricted and has a metal cover to prevent easy access! If anyone needs to know where to get hold of the tool oil filter cup wrench I'm happy to give a recommendation if you want to send me a message. I found it pretty damn hard to get the tool!
(sorry if this in the wrong section, new to this!)
Thanks for your help