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The day after the night before...


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Dear Doc,

A not so nice question, but a question nonetheless!

Why is it that the day after a really good night on the P!ss, despite not having had much too eat, do I have visit the toilet a number of times for a dung.gif

I believe I'm fairly healthy and like clockwork I have a dung.gif once a day, occassionally twice.

Having consumed a large amount of alcohol last night, I have had 3 dung.gif 's already today, and assuming it will be like most other saturdays after a night on the town, I'd expect to have another 3 dung.gif 's before the day is out.

Would like to add that (hhhhmmmmm, how to put it?) it's not like diarrhoea, they have shape and consistancy but are slightly softer than normal dung.gif 's

Look forward to your response(s) Flush.gif

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Well not wishing to be obvious - but I'm going to be anyway tongue.gif

What were you drinking? - Certain lower quality beers & bitter generally produce the trots. A certain bitter that used to be brewed near a Manchester prison has always been bad for this, as has a faux Irish drink that used to be popular and even advertised the fact they'd changed the recipe so that it didn't make you feel quite as s****y as it used to.

Did you have a kebab or other food while or after the session? - By the time you wake up the body has processed this and is ready to expel.

Regardless of food or not, your body has to process a load of crap while you're boozing and then asleep. It has to come out somehow and won't all be via the Old Chap.

Why specifically several visits as opposed to one almighty one is the realm of somebody with some real knowledge - I quit Biology at 14!

Oh and I get exactly the same thing frown.gif169144-ok.gif

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  • 1 month later...

You can have tests now for wheat intolerance. If you are diagnosed with Coeliac you can get foods on prescription from your pharmacy...

My dad is a Coeliac, and funnily enough the company I work for just took over a Gluten free food company, so now we have a house full of gluten free produce!!


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