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Advice with Collinite


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I bought some Collinite 476 in the summer and quite frankly it is superb. My method was to wash the car, clay with QD and then apply two coats of Megs Gold Class. I then followed this with a coat of Collinite. It took me 8 hours smashfreakB.gif

With the time it took in mind, I am looking to apply Collinite to our other car whilst the weather is still pleasant. However, I am wondering if I can miss out any of the steps that I carried out on the last session?

I want to still clay the car as it will provide a great base, but would it be sensible to clay and then go straight to Collinite??

Thanks 169144-ok.gif

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Personally I dont see the need to apply two coats of Gold Class prior to the Collinite. What I would do though, is to apply a decent Pre Wax Cleaner and/or a Glaze to improve on the finish you get.

Ok, you wont save any layers that way but you will get a vastly improved finish for the same number of layers you did before considering the 2x Gold Class.

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Personally I dont see the need to apply two coats of Gold Class prior to the Collinite. What I would do though, is to apply a decent Pre Wax Cleaner and/or a Glaze to improve on the finish you get.

Ok, you wont save any layers that way but you will get a vastly improved finish for the same number of layers you did before considering the 2x Gold Class.

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The above advice is correct. There is also a difference between claying and using a chemical cleaner on your paintwork. Chemical cleaning is a must between changing products, claying should be done when needed.

Claying will not remove glaze, sealant contam. etc embedded in the pores of your paintwork. It will simply remove stuff on top of the paintwork.


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As above, clay if it needs it, but typiaclly you only need to do this a few times a year. Then prep the paint with something like AutoGlym SRP or a Paint Cleanser (Dodo Lime Prime for example). Then you are ready to wax.

I would say give it two layers of Collinite and make sure they are 24 hours apart.

If you dont use a Paint Cleanser but a polish, then I would add a stage of Glaze and use CG EZ Creme or Megs #7.


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