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Where do you buy your HD-DVDs?


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You don't want to read this then...........

Blu-Ray soon to rule the Roost??

[/ QUOTE ]Already discussed HERE

Woohoooo Blu-ray

Riz FIREdevil.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

As a non gamer I bought into HD DVD because it is the format that did everything that I wanted, region free, cheeper to buy software and hard ware and a format that was finished when launched.

Unfortunately to get a bluray player that will play every bluray disc I would have to buy a PS3, stand alone players in the uk are not even version 1.1 at the moment.

No matter how you look at it HD DVD is the format for the consumer and it is us that will loose out if or when sony's Blu ray win as prices for hardware and software increase because one thing sony like to do is charge to much for there products mad.gif

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HD-DVD is old technology revamped..... waste of time and the movie producers will dictate who wins...... I would say its gone Blu-ray at this stage.

Sony and other Blu-ray members were very slow indeed and are still behind when it comes to the specifications. HD-DVD was released in its final form..... but yet its now on the back foot.

Im sure in time prices of Blu-ray hardware and media will drop...... just at matter of time.

The consumers did not decide that HD-DVD was the better format... clearly sales dictate Blu-ray has been leading from a very early stage sales-wise.... and the PlayStation3 was a key tool in doing this... as a games machine its still way behind though.

Im not a hardcore gamer but bought the PS3 due to its multimedia facilities....... the picture quality has been very highly rated and with the next few firmware updates it should have all the small issues taken care of including BD 2.0 profile (currently 1.1).

Riz FIREdevil.gif

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Sony learnt the painful lesson of poor marketing when they were burnt on Betamax Video.

so, they buy a film company and put all the films onto Blu-Ray. Microsoft and Toshiba should have known about marketing and should have done more.

After all, since when has the best technological solution (debateable!!) won a technology war..........(WARP OS/2 v Windows, Betamax v VHS, Blu-Ray v HD)

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...and today's announcement of Paramount looking to ditch HD-DVD just like Warner Brothers has already announced has effectively killed this format war dead.

Who'd have believed that the makers of Betamax and MiniDisc actually won a media format fight! All we need now is for the rumoured Apple/Sony alliance to be realised and the world will become a much stranger place!

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...and today's announcement of Paramount looking to ditch HD-DVD just like Warner Brothers has already announced has effectively killed this format war dead.

Who'd have believed that the makers of Betamax and MiniDisc actually won a media format fight! All we need now is for the rumoured Apple/Sony alliance to be realised and the world will become a much stranger place!

[/ QUOTE ]Paramount have released a press statement that they are still with HD-DVD... a pretty useless statement to be honest..... I think they will change soon though.

Riz grin.gif

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