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ouch - did you sell the car to them trusting they would give the plate back on retention? confused.gif

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I had a written contract with him stating that he would transfer the plate back. Luckily I photocopied the completed and signed V5 with his new address and the signed contract, so if he doesn't cough up soon I'll see him in court..... the bloody plate cost me £4k so i really would like it back Flush.gif

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Tried a TTC 3.2 DSG this weekend to get an idea of what the TTS would be like and although it is a great car, it cant match the remapped 335d as an overall package I'm afraid......

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I'm sorry but to drive a NA V6 to see what a high-powered turbo will be like is a very silly thing to do tongue.gif

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Tried a TTC 3.2 DSG this weekend to get an idea of what the TTS would be like and although it is a great car, it cant match the remapped 335d as an overall package I'm afraid......

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I'm sorry but to drive a NA V6 to see what a high-powered turbo will be like is a very silly thing to do tongue.gif

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Agreed test drove the same edition TTC before the S3 and it was miles apart, apart frm the noise 169144-ok.gif


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Tried a TTC 3.2 DSG this weekend to get an idea of what the TTS would be like and although it is a great car, it cant match the remapped 335d as an overall package I'm afraid......

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The 3.2 TTC with or without DSG will be nothing LIKE the TTS, apart from having Haldex quattro. You'd have been better trying my standard lowered 2.0T TTC with DSG in all honesty as despite being FWD it handles more nimbly and with better poise than the 3.2 variant does IMO. Sounds more like a fart box I admit but goes like a demon now its been well broken in!! Drive one of those and then imagine mag ride, quattro and uprated power. Wooohoooooooooo!!! grin.gifFIREdevil.gif

Yes, it might not match a remapped 335d in some ways, but I'd argue they are different cars in many ways. I adore the 3 coupe externally but the bogging dash would drive me away from buying one. All a matter of taste I know but it wrecks a lovely car IMHO. The TTS interior however - smlove2.gif

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ouch - did you sell the car to them trusting they would give the plate back on retention? confused.gif

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I had a written contract with him stating that he would transfer the plate back. Luckily I photocopied the completed and signed V5 with his new address and the signed contract, so if he doesn't cough up soon I'll see him in court..... the bloody plate cost me £4k so i really would like it back Flush.gif

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yikes, you won't be doing that again! 4k is seriously money and no doubt a short prefixless plate. hope it all goes okay

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You miss the point. I had a remapped S3 before and an R32 so i know the differences in the engine. I am saying that the TTC doesnt suit me as an overall package (not the engine) but the S3 would. I loved the car but as a toy not my every day car. Roll on the Stronic S3.

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