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Bad knee pain


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For the past couple of days I keep getting really bad pains in my left knee - happened about 5 times in the space of an hour last night and I had to keep getting out of bed until it passed.

It seems to be round the whole of the knee (front and back) and is best described as an intense ache with shooting pains almost up to my groin frown.gif

I've had some painkillers and it was OK until this afternoon when it happened again. Hasn't happened since until just now.

Takes my breath away and I almost can't lift my leg until the pain goes.

Any ideas?

I'm going to see how it goes tomorrow and go to the Doc's if it doesn't improve (I never go to the doc's unless I have to!)

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sounds nasty Chris, can you remember if you have twisted it at all.

Is it imflammed at all?, if so get a cold pack on it(peas are good) to get the imflamation down.

also you might be better seeing a sports phisio who tend to deal with these types of pains, i tend to go along to these rather than the doctors

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sounds nasty Chris, can you remember if you have twisted it at all.

Is it imflammed at all?, if so get a cold pack on it(peas are good) to get the imflamation down.

also you might be better seeing a sports phisio who tend to deal with these types of pains, i tend to go along to these rather than the doctors

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Not twisted it that I can remember and it's not inflamed at all.

Only had the pains a couple of times today but am booked in at the Doctors tomorrow morning (it's handy when your mum works there - means I don't have to go through the normal channels to get booked in grin.gif)

I had Osgood Schlatters when I was younger and wondered if it could be a re occurrence of that but it seems that is only in teenagers.

Probably something and nothing but I'll get it checked out anyway 169144-ok.gif

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