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Shifting a cold quickly!


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Picked up a cold which appears to have gone to my chest rather quickly. Throat hurts when I cough but not when I swallow or eat etc. I hate them!

I'm currently OD'ing on Lemsip Max Strength pills, and Benelyn. Is there anything else I can do to ensure I get it shifted quickly?

I got it on Friday and have taken off today, although I can't really afford any time off work.

Any tips?

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Have a strong curry for dinner, put on some pyjamas/ tracksuit when you go to bed and sweat it out. Makes sure you drink plenty of water. You may not have a great night's sleep, but as long as you stay hot overnight, you should feel better after your shower in the morning. 169144-ok.gif

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Yep, no magic cures I'm afraid.

You can take the usual cold/flu remedies to help with some of the symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids and rest. Let your body deal with the infection.

Personally I like Berroca, which is a Vit b/c drink.. just helps give me a little bit of a lift.

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