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"Ingrained" dirt on door bottoms


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I've traded my old rover 100 in for a '98 Alfa 146 in black, my problem is that there seems to be dirt "ingrained" on the bottom 1/3 of the doors (feels very rough to the touch). Would clay be a good way of removing this? Also, does hellfrauds stock any other clay than the megs kit? I'm thinking of heading over to stock up.

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Yes clay is the answer by the sounds of it! Halfords does sell only the Megs clay kit, the best value for just claying is one with the lube and the clay. They have another kit too but it appears to be twice the price and you dont get any more clay or lube.

Its worth claying the entire car and if its a 98 and never been done then you will probably use the whole bar or at least 2/3rd's!


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Thanks Geoff, I was thinking about the Megs clay, as the bar I have now has been amazing, too bad I bought a seperate bottle of QD frown.gif

Also, on a related note, is it worth me changing from AG shampoo, SRP, EGP and megs clay now that my car is solid black rather than solid white?

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