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Turtlewax Chipstick


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I have a car of colour Diablo Red. I recently bought the Turtlewax Wax which also came with a chipstick to repair some of the chips. The wax seems to work and polishes the car well, however when I use the chipstick it seems to add wax to the chips and the colour seems to be different to that of the other paintwork i.e. darker (more like purple/black)

Am I applying the chipstick incorrectly or have I got the wrong colour and should I go for a lighter colour?

Thanks in advance for any help

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Best thing you can do is fill it in properly, ie: not using a chipstick.

Proceedure is:

1) Buy the correct colour code of touch-up paint from whichever manufacturer your car is.

2) Clean out the affected chip using something strong like Fairy liquid solution or a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a cottonbud. This will remove any grease that may be in the cavity and prevent the paint from adhering to the surface properly but let the area dry out completely before the next step.

3) Fill the hole in very carefully using a fine artists paintbrush or toothpick, so it's just proud of the level of the rest of the surface paint. This may take a little while between applications as gthe paint will shrink once dry so do it in several fine coats rather than one big blob.

4) Once it's completely dry, use a very fine cutting compound, something like Meguiar's Scratch-X should do the trick and combined with some elbow grease focus on rubbing down the newly touched-in area until it is the same level as the rest of the paint.

5) Let set for a few days, wax-up and enjoy....the car that is! :grin:

I know it's a little more involving but it's the closest you will get to the original factory finish without forking-out for a complete respray of the affected area.

I carried out quite a few of these on my old car which was silver metallic and got some outstanding results. Considering I am a total perfectionist. I only embarked on it as I wasn't happy with the finish of my local Chipsaway and this process came out at least 90% better.

The sticks are a very quick fix and will never be accurate to the original colour unless you are very lucky and you will have to carry out the process every time you wash your car. This method will last for years. +++

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