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A Quick Swill


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Got 5 mins to give the Golf a brief once over as not been so much as washed for a while due to work habits.

Anyway, it is nowhere near to being detailed yet, but this is what I have to play with. Not the best pics but all I could find of it when I got it and only had time to snap a quick one of it now.

Been slammed down on Coilovers by 100mm, new G60 Steels and new Lamps up front so far.

Got a Summer set of polished Castellet's to go on there but not broken them out of their slumber yet. Loads of other plans too.

What do you think so far?

Cheers Guys!



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BPSmith that is Awesome!

Aside from the great detailing work the new lights and wheels and lowering have made a real difference! The headlamps really bring it up to date.

How do you plan to go about sorting out the (rubber?) low valance at the front of the car.

Did you get the 4" pads in the end?

Hmm! Makes me miss my 106 seeing that, there is nothing an old car refreshed for real individuality!


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Cheers Guys, your very kind! Its not like some of the pukka motor's you all drive but I still enjoy getting it looking nice when I get a moment.

Tarmac_Terrorist; I use pretty much most of the Wolfgang range nowadays. I really rate it, although what you see there is simply a good wash with Auto Bathe and dried with Last Touch. It was done before the Winter last but not de-swirled it yet!

Geoff; I am not quite sure what to do regarding the lower valance yet. There was some awful silicon stuff on there when I got it and so I left it be for the Winter with the plan to APC it and then perhaps try some of the WG Vinyl and Rubber Protectant on it? In saying that, I do very much like the VR6 front valance which simply bolts on in replacement to that although clearance may be an issue then!?!

ahaydock; cheers fella. Much appreciated!

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Whilst the wheels give the car a more purposeful look, as Geoff commented on, the lights do make it look many years newer.

I personally like red cars to work on. I've had several over the years and even with moderately deteriorated paintwork, you can bring them back to life again. My sister has a 10 year old Pug 206 and my dads car is a 13 year old 3 series BMW - both red and both owned from new. I usually detail them both twice a year and the results are very rewarding. :)

It's easy to put so many £££ on a car's value from just a hard days work!

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Geoff; I am not quite sure what to do regarding the lower valance yet. There was some awful silicon stuff on there when I got it and so I left it be for the Winter with the plan to APC it and then perhaps try some of the WG Vinyl and Rubber Protectant on it? In saying that, I do very much like the VR6 front valance which simply bolts on in replacement to that although clearance may be an issue then!?!

Hmm! I think that rubber thing will have an unquenchable thirst! If possible replace or even paint it if possible. Maybe you can find a new one on Eurocarparts (do you have that in Wales?) or similar for a tenner and just maintain it.


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TT, I just love working on Red cars for sure and with the right upkeep they stay pukka for sure!

Geoff, we dont have Euro, although have used them many years back for loads of stuff for the '73 I had when passing my test. We do have a local German & Swedish though and know I can get a replacement or the VR6 valance from them so might well go that route when time allows.

With regards to the lighting, that was my main point for replaceing them. The originals were so darn old fashioned it is unbelievable how much the car changed! Plan to do the remaining lighting but dont want to overdo it tbh.

Cheers for your thoughts guys.

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