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A quick Supernatural update


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Just spining my wheels with not much going on recently so i went out between the spitting rain in to the overcast carparks and took these:







Seems to be holding up a real treat, all i need now is some sun shine for those metalic pics!

ITs beading up as good the day it went on about 6 weeks ago. Things are very Dodo on here recently....!


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Looks very impressive! +++ The Supernatural does sound like a premium wax at 'reasonable' cost. I just wish some of these companies offered smaller quantities. I don't mean test pots which I know Dodo offer - just pots big enough to cover a car maybe 2-3 times over. I don't like accumilating too many pots in the garage as I then can't justify buying more!

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Thanks for the upadte Geoff.

I reckon you could easily get 2-3 coats out of a Dodo Supernatural sample pot on the Golf Tarmac :thumb:

I have the same size panel pots in Purple Haze and done 2 coats on my A3, an Elise and a Pug 307 and still have a bit left. I tend to apply thinly and layer up, HTHs.

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UGH! Im so mad! Hopefully there should be a new last pic on there now!

Tarmac, i really recommend getting this product if you want to play with a higher wax for £15 delivered from Ebay. It really does last and IMO its great value for money. Your fears of having loads of waxes you never use is basically what i have and i agree 3-4oz pots would be much much more reasonable. I asked Zymol why they stopped production of 4oz and they said product costs, the same with Pinnicle and Wolfgang. I hoped to sample the Fuzion wax but they said they were not going to make little samples, even when i suggest they wouldent have to be loss leaders as im sure the market could would buy limited smaller pots at a premium.

Like Ahaydock says you can easily get a 3 layers out of the pots. I found also that with waxes which are not all that moist, so hardwaxes in DODO spraying QD on the pad then over the waxes gives an even thiner layer and even better coverage when applying. Im using Quickshine in this case.

Bpsmith, if you get Fuzion wax it will probably last just as well for just as long! When you get in to the higher quality products they *should* be more durable, but also its the durability of the looks, it looks better for longer. This car has just been washed with Mothers California Gold carwash (it has nothing added) and once it was washed with Dodo Shampoo, dried using a squirt of QS. I wash it probably every week, but it does sit outside. As a reference Concours will perform very similar to this (so far atleast!) and so does Destiny.

The Supernatural is sitting over Pink Moose.


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Hi Dibbs, that is Sonus Tyre and Trim. I cant say it works all that well on trim, but on the tyres it looks great like that for around 5-7 days then goes to a dark black colour. It can be a bit of a pain remove as i the pigment seems to embedded itself very well. It beads water too!

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OK chaps, based upon above pics and recommendations I have just invested in a 30ml Supernatural Panel Pot. - oh and yet another bottle of CK Quikshine.

Does QDing eventually break down the LSP or actually prolong it? I apply after every weekly wash as I find that it's anti static properties really help keep the car clean longer. Just wondered if it's safe to use weekly or if it should just be used now and again to spruce things up a bit? :)

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Its safe to use weekly and if anything will prolong your wax as you adding another form of protection.

Some other excellent Qd's out there are FK425, Serious Performances Show Detailer and the new Poorboys QD, may be getting some of these next week !

Clearkote is excellent though, I have a bottle coming to the end of its life.....Superb stuff

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Brave purchase but well worth it! The QD'ing wont harm the finish, the cleaning power of a QD isnt the same as the cleaning power in say a polish where chemicals are used to desolve the LSP and grime etc. In a QD the fluid contains mild cleaners like in a shampoo, however they act differently. In a QD the cleaners get under the dirt and attempt to suspend the dirt inside the QD liquid, which is why its safe to use a QD to remove bird crap and dust.

Most QD's enhance the shine etc. Quickshine doesnt acutally leave behind any protection in the way say Hot Rod detailer or FK425 will. It does use optical enhancers to brighten and freshen the finish, these optical enhancers will generally improve what ever look is there rather in bringing its own dynamics to the finish. Take Ultimate QD from Megs, it does tend to bring up a bit of reflective finish even on a deep looking LSP.

After using Quickshine you will notice a slicker feel (most of the time) and slightly different beading. Lots of people use it on there windscreen to help bead up water, b/c it isnt bonding to screen it causes no long term issues. For the first few rains however it will give you some beading and easy running off of built up water.

I cant wait to see your results!


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Thanks Geoff. I probably won't get chance to apply the wax until mid July as I'm off on hols in a weeks time. On the subject of CK quikshine, I'm almost convinced that if it's used weekly (after the weekly wash) for a few weeks, it seems to remain on the paint even after washing - perhaps just my imagination?? I do also use it on the windows and does seem reasonably durable on there too.

I've stopped using the Megs UQD - leaves a very plasticky finish - makes the car look like a boiled sweet. Worked well on wheels but protection aside, I didn't feel it really added much to the paintwork and I think possibly detracted from the wet look the nuba wax gave it.

Might try the Hotrod stuff next time round although having read an interesting thread on DTW regarding waxwes v's sealents I wonder if a QD with a uv block might be a good idea for the Summer months- any thoughts folks??

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When the HotRod detailer came out i did touch on the advantage of UV protection, I know someone from DW went on to Autopia and started an intreasted topic along the same lines. No doubt plenty of facts and myths will be brough to the front!

Certantly the sun can destory your LSP but its also the warming and cooling action from the car as well which can reduce its strength etc etc.

I would certantly be better then a product with out UV protection if you park outside alot or want to leave the car in the car park while you are on holiday!

As for QS being the on the paintwork after washing, i suppose it is possible. It certantly hangs about on the glass in the rain!


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