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Independent dealer servicing


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I thought it pertinent to post the following to avoid any other people suffering the same issues when I had my Audi serviced at an independent (non Audi UK owned dealer) recently, having had several issues.

As a global organisation with “vorsprug durch technik” I thought these issues would be resolved quickly with an email to the Dealership Service Manager, especially as Id been emailed by him requesting feedback on the service.

After explaining the issues to him, and advising I could confirm the speeding, (including driving without being warmed up sufficiently), his response was “I dont know what your problem is”

Further escalation with proved fruitless and I called Audi UK. 72 hours later, I was still trying to report the issue to Audi UK – who then told me they couldnt do anything because its an independent Audi dealer. That means Audi UK authorised and approved them to sell, maintain and repair vehicles, but Audi UK dont own the garage.

Further escalation to Jeremy Hicks (Audi UK MD) showed signs of promise, with comments like “I assure you that we will do our utmost to restore your faith in us”

A week on, and Im advised that the dealer has complied with Audi UK requirements for servicing my vehicle, and theres nothing more Audi UK can do.

Whats annoying is that the dealership is authorised by audi UK, and linked from the Audi UK website - and theres no way of telling if the dealer is an independent when you walk thorugh the door.

I'll leave you to decide if you think the measures are to Audi UK standards, and if you'd like your car to be treated in this manner when left with the manufacturers agent. I would, however, recommend that you check your dealer is an Audi UK garage (and not an independent) so you get the relevant support should you suffer similar issues.

Happy to provide further details by email.

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I think it's worth mentioning that I understand this is an Audi branded dealer, not a "true" independent.

Many people use "true" independents to avoid the high costs and poor service typical of most Audi branded dealers, since "true" independents tend to be run by enthusiasts who are "proper" mechanics.

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