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BMW Performance exhaust fitted


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Picked my car up yesterday after having this fitted. Sounds really nice, slightly deeper tone at idle and fairly reserved before 4k RPM, after this the tone gets rather sexy and stays like that all the way to the red line.

The flap and actuator in the rear box is not there any more so that annoying "Clunk" has gone and you don’t get the tone change when it opens under light acceleration. All in all I am really please, it is not a neighbour waker around town and back streets, it just rumbles away just nicely with a sporty rasp that is pleasant and not offensive, but get it on the slip road and floor it and you think a Ferrari has just pulled up the slip road along side you. Hit a few tunnels and WOW, what a nice sound.

I dropped my ITG air filter back in when I got home last night, but haven't really had the chance to rag it properly yet round the usual roads I "play" on. I would say it seems to pull slightly better lower down and what little lag there was seems reduced still further.

So I am very pleased with it, the sound is "Quality" and not over the top, in your face "Boy Racer" but it is noticeable louder and when you want to hear as well as feel the power.

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Been thinking about getting it fitted to my 130i. Can I ask if your dealer fitted it and how much they charged?

Supplied and fitted at local dealer for £610. The 135i one include the front pipes too with the resonators removed. I believe the 130i is only the Back box, so this price may not be correct for you.

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Madness. £610 for an exhaust that is bettered by a number of manufacturers.

You don't have to have a car that sounds like a Max Power reject by going to the other manufacturers. BMW are promoting these exhausts to people who have little technical or mechanical knowledge and can't be bothered to look at more superior, proven and cheaper systems. I'm surprised that includes a few TSN members. Look elsewhere, get a better system and don't be ripped off.

Have they given any performance figures? You pay £610 for a very very slightly changed tone (it's almost undetectable to most) and no gain at all. Isn't that vanity and stupidity in one?

Edited by MrMe
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I think £610 fully fitted, no waranty issues isn't a bad price for a DEALER fit product. My Milltek certainly cost more on the S4, even taking into account it was twice the amount of kit.

The Ferrari comment was obviously brought on with excitement, rather than thinking about something before he said it.... but I know another guy with a 130i who's fitted the BMW cat-back box himself and he said it makes a huge difference to the sound.

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These is a performance gain (BHP) and I agree there are better sytems out there, but I am very keen on keeping my warranty intact and to be honest, the volume leves are just right without being something that attracts too much "unwanted" attention. A was a bit excited when I mentioned the Ferrari :o, but hey, I am really pleased with the sound and it is a little like that sound, just toned down a bit rather than a really deep pitch it does have a certain "scream" about it, hence the comment.

I have noticed the turbo pick up is better at lower revs and from 5000 RPM upward it feels like it breathes alittle better too. I don't knoiw how much of that is down the the ITG Air filter too though. But with bothe of these, a mild improvemebnt over standard that can be felt and a much better sound, that has me flooring it at every opportunity just to listen to it :grin:

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You BMW warranty would have remained intact with a Supersprint, Milltek or other similar system. To invalidate your warranty in any way they must be able to directly associate any failure with the component part you have changed.

That's virtually imossible with exhaust systems.

The 135i is a magnificent car and, in my opinion, in a league of one - it beats anything in it's direct competition in the way it performs, drives and feeds back. I just think you could have got an equally good sound (and subtlety) with a third party system.

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I've done a couple of hundred ,iles now since having the exhaust fitted and dropped the ITG air filter in at the same time and now I think the ECU has adapted because the car feel much brighter now and more instant :). The sound has changed slightly as it is "burning in" I now can't wait till I get 5000 miles on this engine to get it loosed up fully (currently 2850 miles). Oh yes and running Shell VPower (99 ron):cool:

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