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Ear Infection of NON-Joy


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Started with sniffiles and a bit of a cough two weeks ago. Last week flew to Germany and my ears popped going up, but never popped coming down. Went to the quacks on Monday because I was getting more and more deaf and struggling to shake the cough/sinus problems. She said I had an infection (duh) in both - one quite bad and the other moderate. Gave me some anti-biotic ear drops on a 7-10 day course.

Now on day 5 and am totally deaf in one ear and my other is getting worse by the day.

Been off work all week because of my howling cough and sinus headaches, not to mention been almost completely deaf.

Sounds obvious (no pun intended), but you don't know how much you take being able to hear for granted! I went for a walk yesterday afternoon just to get out of the house. Strolling through the woods and suddenly realised there were two black labs walking alongside me! Obviously never heard them, or their owner calling them. Totally freaked me out.

My brother in law is a GP and I'm seeing him tomorrow with a view to getting a second opinion. I can't believe I've seen no improvement in 5 days of treatment.

:( :( :(

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  • 9 months later...

Ear infections can take time to clear up,being placed on the correct antibiotics to clear up the infection is down to the skill of your GP.

I have had 2 ear infections over the past 20 years.Went surfing in Cornwall one year,must have been a few days later after having returned home.

My face on one side swelled up,my ear was completely blocked with gunk and leaked out from time to time.The pain was very bad.

Was on antibiotics for a couple of weeks in which I was given 2 types.The doctor took a sample of the contents of my ear and sent it away for tests.

It was week 3 until the symptoms subsided.The infection was blamed on sewage in the water.Wearing ear plugs when surfing would of helped.

That week that I was in the water,I saw panty liners and a used condom floating in the water and that was just what I could see.

The other occasion I put a pen in my ear without thinking,had an itch.I must have scraped in the inner ear canal,a few days later another ear infection

Another course of antibiotics and pain killers.

Never put anything in your ears,even cotton buds are not safe.

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  • 2 months later...

Ear infections ! mine are both totaly fecked ! 30 yrs of surfing at various loctions on the globe have had there toll, if i go anywhere near water I have to wear ear plugs ? coz if any little bacteria get through the tiny little gap left in my ear canal its gona be game over for at least six months. Both my canals are blocked by "Extosis" which is caused by moisture evaporating in the canal and natures response is to grow a bone to block it, eventually i will have to have the OP to get the boney lumps drilled out but for now KEEP wearing those poxy plugs in the sea.

Those ear infections are sooooo nasty the last one I had was mega ! I had snot dripping off my ear lobe as it caused a pollip in the canal to produce a years worth of snot in 24 hrs, hope this doesnt happen to any of you folks.

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