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MK5 R32 Values...........


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I'd say it's the best time of year to buy . . . people are getting desperate

Second hand, yes, but not new - even with the big discounts you can get, the value will drop like a stone over the next year.

Having just sold my S4, I was going to replace it straightaway, but I'm holding off now until probably March next year, while the whole market sorts itself out.

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The post xmas Jan and Feb are out of the way, people are all spent up, the market has settled down and people getting back to the normality of living in a recession. Second hand car values should, I reckon, be more stable by then, i.e. I will hopefully be able to buy a whatever and not lose £2K a month in depreciation +++

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Second hand, yes, but not new - even with the big discounts you can get, the value will drop like a stone over the next year.

Having just sold my S4, I was going to replace it straightaway, but I'm holding off now until probably March next year, while the whole market sorts itself out.

Honestly I believe you'd get a better deal now, 1000s of cars were registered but unsold in September to make it look busier than it actually was, the majority of those cars are still sat around - hence some bargains to be had!

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I don't buy new/nrealy new cars because of the initial depreciation, despite the current "bargains" to be had.

I'd rather buy a 3 year old car that's been properly looked after, under 30K miles and someone else has taken the hit on depreciation.

Given there's 08 M3s out there now for £45K, wait another 18 months and they'll be down to £25K or less.

That aside, I've still got no bloody idea what to get next - hatch or estate :rolleyes:

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I called into the vw garage i bought my r from today to take a nosey about, so i asked the sales man what he thought my motor was worth an he said £12k! the car is 34k miles and is 22months old. Four months ago a BMW garage would have given me £18k for it in a trade in starting to think i should have changed then!!

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Honestly I believe you'd get a better deal now, 1000s of cars were registered but unsold in September to make it look busier than it actually was, the majority of those cars are still sat around - hence some bargains to be had!
I totally agree!If you are sat on the fence waiting to buy and have no px then this is the time to go for it.I always look to buy in nov,dec you can really turn the screw in your favour.Even more so given the current market.Had a cracking deal on my ED30 last dec..;)
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Just joined your forum as I was getting bored with the US VW forums I am on. I am surprised to hear that R32's are depreciating so much in the UK as well. The MkIV's were voted the best car in regards of resale in the US. A clean MkIV with around 22,000 miles will still sell for over $20k, which is good considering they sold for $28k brand new in 2004. You can get a brand new R32 here for $30k, pretty good considering the list price is $36k. Thankfully there are not many new ones left at our dealerships and once the remaining few are sold our prices should rise back up. So we hope…

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've just been offered £12k for my 04 Mkiv. Just over 24.5k on the clock, haldex, milltek, short shift, anti roll bars, sat nav, full leather.

Do you think I'm insane for wanting to hold out for closer to £13k for it?

Don't ask any questions, simply grab the cash (assuming it's real) and run mate! This offer surely can't be from a dealer??

Volkswagen Golf R32

3.2 Petrol 3-door Hatchback

6 Speed Manual Four Wheel Drive

Year: 2004 04

Mileage: 25,000

Part-exchange Price:

Excellent condition:


Average condition:


Below average condition:


Edited by Oatz
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Private sale, if it goes ahead. As for my new toy, well I started a valeting franchise two years ago, so my new toy will continue to be my White Vito, oh god how depressing is that compared to the V6 burble! Funds from selling the car will pay off all my credit cards and allow me to go to Canada and do my Snowboard instructor course, then its off to Nz for me(in a few years) +++

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I p/x'd my Feb 06 55 reg DBP Manual with leather with 16,000 miles on the clock, in March of this year, just before all this petrol crisis and green tax malarky...and got £18,500 PX against a 9 month old BMW 330d M Sport...Have to say I do miss the R32 for its exclusiveness..but the BMW is almost as exciting,with build quality second to none

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I p/x'd my Feb 06 55 reg DBP Manual with leather with 16,000 miles on the clock, in March of this year, just before all this petrol crisis and green tax malarky...and got £18,500 PX against a 9 month old BMW 330d M Sport

Good going, Argus. I'd hate to think what they'd offer you now...:eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

A pal bought a 5 door dsg with leather brand new on 58 reg for just over £18k! This is through trade rates but shows what prices dealers were willing to let them go for. Theres still new ones about but tend to have sat-nav on bumping the costs up towards £20k ish. Still a big drop though. I would have thought the new year will bring about the final deals on new models....

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Welcome to TSN, James. You've hit the proverbial nail on the head; low spec .:R32's are very affordable at present, but the higher specc'd ones are still breaking £20k, but only just and then they are competing 1 year old with fully loaded .:R's. A lot of car for the money, that's for sure.

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