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This car was booked in to get some protection from all that winter motoring can throw at a vehicle, its only use as a weekend car but still was in a bit of a state for a 08 especially the amount of bonded contamination :tumbleweed:

On arrival:


After claying half the bonnet:


finished Pics, using Dodo juice Super Natural wax :thumb:









As always thanks for looking, all comments and questions on techniques and products use are more than welcome.

If you would like to see the whole proses including all products used, follow the link Auto finesse vs porsche 911 carrea - Detailing World

James B

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Thanks for the comment,

Lime prime contains abrasives alittle harsher than a finishing polish and i little mileder than a medium cut polish, its very good for just a enhancing pass to remove a few swirls and bring up some gloss on the harder paint types, It dose contain oils so they would mask/fill some swirling but not fillers as such that would hide swirls, what you see in those pics is what you get.

V2 im loving at the moment its doing very well on my own van and familty members cars, it stood the 2 month mark so far and still going, and on the van it lasted 14 washes what would equate to over 3 months, so for a "natural" product durability is very very good.

James B

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Like i say LP is more suited to the harder paint types, LP Lite is better on the soft/medium paint,

How do you know which is which?.. is it just experience :confused:?

I want to Zymol my Q7 and I have HD Cleanse but i'm not sure whether or not to clay it first?

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Thanks geoff,

So wash, clay, HD-Cleanse and wax?

Is that correct?

Thats the process! You may find that after claying the car has some "stains" from the clay lube, its a good idea if this is the case to wash the residue away. Sometimes this means washing using the 2 bucket method, some times just a hosing off sorts the problem. The residue is just clay lube so nothing to bad!


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