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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Tone, unfortunately that makes you a cock. Please take the A6 back and buy a Lexus :roflmao:

With peole like this guy working for Lexus he is going to need a lot of luck selling them, has anyone actually sent this to the Lexus PR office - it doesn't help.

I don't believe Clarkson half the time - he says some funny things but I don't believe you can label all drivers of a certain brand a cock - now owning an Audi and a Porsche well I must be a very small cock!

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Well I think apart from our mystery poster that I have held our local Lexus dealer in high regard - when I was looking I was qualified pretty quickly but in a nice way (I am in sales and I like to know if there IS a sale there) Chris - suprised you had hassle (assuming you went to the local dealer?) where I was more the adequaltely looked after.

Unfortunately the car wasn't for me and went back to the Audi brand but I didn't have anything bad to say about how I was treated and my enquiries were dealt with - and the posts by the Lexus Maindealer dont do any good to my consideration towards the Lexus brand.

I suggest you do yourself a favour and try not to be so antagonising (however its spelt!) and understand "banter" is always going to be had in a forum! This is OUR place to discuss our experiences of the car market and if you don't like what is being said say your bit and go away - because I can't imagine anyone here is really interested in your rants MATE..

Cheers for the odd laugh though (he says contradicting himself!)

PS Sold the A4 yesterday and purchased an A6 for the new year!


I agree, enough is enough. My mum's calling me in now and she say's Ive spent far too long on the computer talking to strange men.

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Now then...

Firstly, welcome to Tyresmoke.

Secondly, how about dropping the wild attitude? This is a friendly community of like-minded drivers, we value input from the motor trade and welcome any opportuntiy to give our feedback when its listened to.

If you've got an opinion, we'd genuinely love to hear it, if you're going to charge about calling people knobheads etc then this will only get silly and we'll have to stop it.

Who knows, you might even sell a car - stranger things have happened :P

Please don't make us all come down and drive you mad with 48 hour test drives! :P

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What a classic thread. My doesn't our new resident Lexus dealer have a couple of issues. :eek::rolleyes::grin:

So has TSN turned into the Corsa capital of the internet all of a sudden, have we changed our name to barryboys without anyone telling me or is this what could only be described as a Performance car community of people that has on the whole have some very nice cars indeed?:confused:

So I'm a salesperson looking for some leads, so what do I do. Look around the internet and register and get to know the people on the forum in question or register and hurl abuse like a young teenager and anger the forums members, 20,000+ at last look.

Now I've had a Lexus in the past and very nice it was to and I've defended them in the past but I don't think I will bother in the future.

Can I suggest as you have so much time on your hands that you have a look around at the type of forum this is before you vent again. Maybe have a chat with the people that have got the new Q7 on why they might want an RX or if those that have got the new V8 M3 might like a look at the IS-F. We had a member very upset with Audi recently who likes his big luxury A8's and he's had multiple RS4's if an LS460 might be something to look at.

If as you say you have the very best salespeople in the business may I be so bold as to say your general demeanour and decorum on this forum has singled you and by your own statement all Lexus sales people as prats, well done. +++

Can I ask the rest of the forum members to get some links to this on other sites, they will enjoy the laugh. Pistonheads etc. will be a good start. :roflmao:

Edited by CarMad
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:roflmao:I've checked the boot, looked under the drivers seat, opened the glove box, read the manual and double-checked my knickers - no sign of a cock!!!! :roflmao::roflmao:or do I need to look in the mirror and check my forehead ???? Does quite liking cock and driving an Audi count:roflmao:??

No - wait maybe I need to dump the Audi and drive a Lexus due to my lack of cock, BUT when i went to the showroom (and the nearest to me is about 1 hrs drive away) to have a look at their RX (something suitable for 2 kids and 1 dog) eerr I couldn't get served, apparently no-one available to speak to me, no other customers around and the showroom quiet but maybe it was just tea-break time ?? Wonder what all those chaps in suits chatting int he croner were up to then - maybe seeing who had the biggest cock or just a pissing competition I wonder? Maybe they didn't need the sale and had all hit their targets that month ?

48 hr test drive eh - hmmmm need to get family and dog to Norfolk for 48hrs over Xmas and it is a bit of a squash in the Cab ......... I wonder:D

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Tough i'm not too impressed with the main dealers responce i can totally understand where he's coming from. A lot of these main dealers will be making redundancies . To have people waste their time/money with no intention of buying in this climate is frankly @ucked up!

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Tough i'm not too impressed with the main dealers responce i can totally understand where he's coming from. A lot of these main dealers will be making redundancies . To have people waste their time/money with no intention of buying in this climate is frankly @ucked up!

I'm sure we all think the same but there is a way of going about that, but lets face it that way hasn't been done in this thread has it. :roflmao:

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Tough i'm not too impressed with the main dealers responce i can totally understand where he's coming from. A lot of these main dealers will be making redundancies . To have people waste their time/money with no intention of buying in this climate is frankly @ucked up!

I have to disagree with this a little. I think understanding TDK's original post helps. I don't think he was necessarily seriously advocating using a Lexus as a workhorse for free for a weekend (however, with him, anything's possible!). I believe it was written with tongue firmly in cheek.

However, the adage that there's no such thing as bad publicity stands firm here. Ultimately, if Joe Bloggs decides to go and let a Lexus do all the hard work and then hands it back muddy and smelling of old fridges then so be it - the offer is there and it was taken up. However, whilst out and about (at the dump or wherever) friends, family etc might have access to a car they'd otherwise not have seen and its perfectly plausible that real interest from someone else could result. They're not called demonstrators for no reason - if they're not being demonstrated (and therefore earning their keep) then a clever way to get them out there, seen, touched and felt is what this is.

Whether it results in a sale or not, its another way of potentially making the phone ring - which in this current economic predicament - is what its all about. Now, on balance, if any salesman has an issue with a perfectly valid offer made by their company then perhaps they should take such vociferous issue with their own marketing department for making the offer before spleen-venting here.

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