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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Isn't it always the way? You turn away from the interweb for a couple of hours, and while your back's turned the Best. Thread. Evah. lands right in the middle of your favourite forum.

Our friendly and professional new friend may bemoan timewasters, but SK is right. I'd be surprised if there's anybody on this forum who hasn't got a story to tell about bad, dismissive, disinterested, timewasting treatment they've had from a car dealer. I've yet to come away from an encounter with one where I didn't feel so unclean I wanted to shower with a brillo pad afterwards. I'm talking about the sales guys here - service departments are often brilliant and usually staffed by human beings. The sales people seem to think they're doing us a huge favour by deigning to sell us a car, if they think we're worthy and can pass the initiation rituals. LEXUS-MAINDEALER, even when he's trying to defend dealers, strays perilously close to this attitude.

Several people on this thread have picked up LMD on his spelling, saying that he can't genuinely be a Lexus sales guy with spelling like that. Actually, I've known main dealership directors with a far worse grasp of the English language than LMD, so I can quite believe he is who he says he is. Don't forget, people often go into car sales because they have no real skills, have an over-inflated sense of their own worth, and even estate agencies won't have them.

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At this point it would be prudent to state the obvious:

- No one at Tyresmoke.net wishes our friend and ill will or has any intention to (or indeed would ever even consider) disclose any information that would prejudice his identity.

- No one here has actually wants him to be reprimanded in any way.

These are his opinions (however much we may disagree) and I for one hope he continues to post his insights into the car sales world. I also hope the edge is taken off his posts, and also that he can take the banter that he has invited on himself.

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I really really hope this is a wind up and not from a car dealership, mainly because if the bloke is from a car dealer then I guess they are leaving soon and do not need to be looking for potential customers. Besides can you imagine from the attitude on here he has shown that he is any good at sales, I mean namecalling as your introduction to the habitual car buyer - thats a sure fire way to get enquiries......

I dont think my pint above needed clarification, I think I was quite straight forward and to the point - for the last 10 years I have met a lot of real a553h0135 in the motor industry who didnt give a monkies about your business and all of a sudden we're supposed to care that they have hard times. This isnt limited to the motor industry, but perhaps if the motor industry understood that customer service required the customer to come first not third (Uk Importer (1st), Dealership (2nd) and Customer somewhere behind) then perhaps they'd have a bigger loyal customer bae who were not takign the rise with these kind of offers.

OTherwise Anyone remember Arthur Daley?

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I reckon Mr Lexus Maindealer is the spotty Saturday kid they have cleaning the bucket out after the Lithuanian car washer has been into jet wash all the cars mid week.

How else would he explain his awful grasp of the English language?!?

While there's a decent chance you're suspicions are right, sales types are hardly renowned for their raging intellect, are they?:grin:

If the soul is who he might claim to be then point is being proven with infinitely more finesse than any of us could manage.

BTW Lexus-san (although I suspect it's more like Mr spotty teenager or disgruntled customer-san), I personally wouldn't buy or even test drive one of the current range if my arse was on fire and I needed to drive to water, so no hassles (or money) from me +++

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Well I would like to stick up for Lexus Main Dealers.

I recently took the IS250 to the Nurburgring on a 48 hour test drive. My only complaint was that the ash tray is too small (I'd filled it up by the time I got to Dover!) The other thing was that the sideways visibility isn't as good as the M3, and that's quite important when you give it beans round the karousell!

Anyway I decided to stick with my K plate Cavalier after the test drive, even though the Lexus is a much nicer car, I just don't feel it's 100 times better than the Cav as the price suggests, and since I don't have a job at the moment I just can't justify spending that much on a car!

Still the experience was more than worth it, so thank you Lexus!

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