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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Just to sort of get back to subject of the thread, had a very nice salesman from Hatfield Lexus ring and offer me a RX 400h for the weekend, gladly accepted and now looking for nice hotels within 100 miles of St Albans (200 mile limit) He said they were quite busy with test drives but gave me some dates at the back end of January.

Now as it happens I'm in the market for a 4x4 so I'll enjoy driving it, and as the Q5 is hideously expensive for a tall A4 I might just be tempted especially as a near £10,000 discount is there for the taking....

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£10,000 discount on the hybrid??

That is serious discount :D , mind you for that sort of discount you could just, and i mean just, about live with the looks :grin:

Maybe you could get some dark sunglasses and sort of squint when you walked up to it, get in and then all is ok.. until you stop i suppose :confused:

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Now I didn't say that I particulary liked the looks or that it would sit up straight in the company of BMW, Audi or Land Rover but it seems the depreciation of buying new has been taken care of............and we all know that if we walk in without a trade in they will gladly give away their first born.......

Maybe I might buy one and leave the final invoice in the back window....

I know the looks aren't to everyones taste but apart from that what's wrong with them?

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Greetings from the jon44w.com, a N.I. car enthusiasts website.

We have been taking names for the 48hr test drive and would like to know if it will be in alphabetical order or on a first come first serve basis. We would also like to know if all 348 test drives will be honoured :P

jon44w.com, I know I've heard of that before, I'm sure the Irish loons in the Red Omega from Scumball 2006 had that on their windscreen!

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