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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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:grin: come back Mr LEXUS-MAINDEALER, you were really funny and I really want my test drive - this thread is getting on for 12,000 views, you can't leave us hanging :jump:

I'm back Bazza, don't worry. So what have these Audi cock's in their dads cars been saying then - are they still claiming that the Audi is a far superior vehicle or have they finally moved on to crossdressing technique which they all practice together?

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With Toyota putting up a 1.1 billion pound loss this year, I'm not sure how much longer Lexus will be around :confused:

The problem with the motor trade at the moment is that there are far too many people who pipe up and talk crap, scaring the genuine buyers to hold off. It does however bring the messers out in great numbers - you know, the sort of people who make you stupid bids on £50'000 vehicles and try and buy them for £15'000. Theys tits are almost as bad as the bloody idiots who want to borrow a car for 48 hours and expect you to clean their Saxo ready for when they return with your car covered in **** and empry of fuel!!!

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Did you realise you're famous? This thread has been reposted around several of the biggest UK car forums... 12,000 views and counting. Lets hope your boss hasn't seen it eh or perhaps Lexus UK. ;)

Did you buy your Audi from Poole Audi? If so did you meet that firey little minx called Kelly Stone, the hard as nails sales manager but oh so sexy!!!!!!!! GRRR!!!

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Did you buy your Audi from Poole Audi? If so did you meet that firey little minx called Kelly Stone, the hard as nails sales manager but oh so sexy!!!!!!!! GRRR!!!

Nah, got mine from York Audi, Poole Audi dont know the meaning of the word "deal" infact they should be done under the trades desciptions act as a "dealer" :roflmao:

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But Dave is a drug baron....

Anyway, back on topic, please tell me - have you noticed an increase in applications for 48 hour test drives after your smash hit guerilla internet marketing campaign?

Yes we have and I think this could be the future for our internet marketing. It's a fact that Audi drivers are cocks and the more you tell them that the more they feel the urge to experience a Lexus and see what they have been missing for all those years. Any thoughts on how this can be improved would be most welcome.

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Yes we have and I think this could be the future for our internet marketing. It's a fact that Audi drivers are cocks and the more you tell them that the more they feel the urge to experience a Lexus and see what they have been missing for all those years. Any thoughts on how this can be improved would be most welcome.

Well your campaign seems pretty impressive, all you need now is the product.... errmmmm, back to the drawing board eh :roflmao:

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The problem with the motor trade at the moment is that there are far too many people who pipe up and talk crap, quote]


pot, kettle and the colour black springs to mind!! Or was he looking into his mirror and thinking aloud ??

have been amused watching this thread ....... long may it continue

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Yes we have and I think this could be the future for our internet marketing. It's a fact that Audi drivers are cocks and the more you tell them that the more they feel the urge to experience a Lexus and see what they have been missing for all those years. Any thoughts on how this can be improved would be most welcome.

I wonder if the local dumps have seen up upsurge in deliveries via Lexi? :D

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The problem with the motor trade at the moment is that there are far too many people who pipe up and talk crap, quote]


pot, kettle and the colour black springs to mind!! Or was he looking into his mirror and thinking aloud ??

have been amused watching this thread ....... long may it continue

Hello again sweet heart, I refer to my previous statement of " be a good girl and put the kettle on" leave it to the men to talk about cars, now here's some money buy yourself something nice.

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