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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Hello again sweet heart, I refer to my previous statement of " be a good girl and put the kettle on" leave it to the men to talk about cars, now here's some money buy yourself something nice.

Aaaah - the real reason I didn't get served by Lexus last year then, was I in your dealership? I might have the cocks car but u obviously haven't got big enough balls to handle me!:roflmao:

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Do be quiet Tom, go and have a word with yourself and report back with your findings.

I have the finished report and here and my findings:

-I've found Lexus' don't work as cars...Still.

-I like driving my pieces of engineering brilliance.

-You whine...Excessively.

-I like alcohol.

-I like sex.

The latter you must be in dire lack of, which will explain the frustration you posess towards the opposite sex.

....Waits in anticipation of the awesome reply....

Edited by tom_hargreaves
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I have the finished report and here and my findings:

-I've found Lexus' don't work as cars...Still.

-I like driving my pieces of engineering brilliance.

-You whine...Excessively.

-I like alcohol.

-I like sex.

The latter you must be in dire lack of, which will explain the frustration you posess towards the opposite sex.

....Waits in anticipation of the awesome reply....

Tom, I'm most impressed with your findings and as a reward you can wear another of your favourite dresses and pull yourself off to Antiques Roadshow, like you do every Sunday whilst you wait for Top Gear to come on.

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I do have to say, this is all very 14-year-old-horny-school-boy-during-his-christmas-holidays type talk.

May I suggest you maybe come back when you're sprouting some fluff down there?

Take your tonge out of Tom's bottom and let's get back to the real point here shall we. That is that there are too many messers wasting dealers time. Now if you have an opinion on this then I'd like to hear about it.

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See my above point.


Damn, I'm too late! Need to refresh the screen more! :roflmao:

I clicked a linky from the vwaudiforum.co.uk. I think we'll all find it very "amusing" you labelled us all cocks and knobheads. Still, should at least make us glad we never chose Lexus!

Our dealers may be stealers, and our customer service may leave something to be desired, but at least they're polite when they rip us off!

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Take your tonge out of Tom's bottom and let's get back to the real point here shall we. That is that there are too many messers wasting dealers time. Now if you have an opinion on this then I'd like to hear about it.

Why certianly! But it was my thumb... +++

Answer me this then. When I went into my nearest Lexus dealer, why did they look at me like I wasn't worth the time of day and ignore me? When someone can stand about with a chequebook in hand and the salesmen don't do anything, then surely there is something wrong? Hence I went for Audi! :)

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If you're a real Lexus Dealer, then I'm a Chinaman, no-one would do so much damage to their company by spouting such b0ll0cks.... unless they're working their notice due to lack of sales and don't give a stuff. Am I warm ?

But, like the people here at Peartree Productions, a pipe of pringles and some sparkling wine makes everything seem better. We even might go to Long Stanton Spice Museum later. Or the Owl Sanctuary.

Would love to join you in some fascinating banter, but I'm presenting a military quiz show on cable on UK TV Gold, then on my early morning slot on Radio Norwich later.

Happy Christmas ! +++

Edited by theduisbergkid
Someone vandalised my Rover.
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Answer me this then. When I went into my nearest Lexus dealer, why did they look at me like I wasn't worth the time of day and ignore me? When someone can stand about with a chequebook in hand and the salesmen don't do anything, then surely there is something wrong? Hence I went for Audi! :)

Most dealers are just as bad, not just Lexus. They all prejudge, if you dont fit the look of their default buying person they wont give you the time of day.

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Why certianly! But it was my thumb... +++

Answer me this then. When I went into my nearest Lexus dealer, why did they look at me like I wasn't worth the time of day and ignore me? When someone can stand about with a chequebook in hand and the salesmen don't do anything, then surely there is something wrong? Hence I went for Audi! :)

That is a very good point (seriously). There is no excuse for that whatsoever and it is a problem that is being constantly addresses with continued training and "going back to basics" We as dealers need to recognise that any potential customer who makes the effort to come to our dealerships could be a sale - there is no excuse for anyone to be ignored in that manner. (see, I can be sensible) Unless he's a messer who just wants to borrow one of our superior motor vehicles which he desires to aspire to.

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:roflmao:I love how the accusation of sounding like a 14 year old wasn't objected against. But even better your comment re-inforced this accusation. Priceless.

People wasting dealers' time. Boo hoo, we've heard it all before. You aren't the only person here who sells or has sold cars before. See my comments from last week you obviously failed to read:

I've been reading this thread with increasing disbelief and have to throw in my 2 cents.

Here we go again. If you're one of these complete dimwits who gets brainwashed by everything Clarkson says then you'll recall him aswell that the M3 beat the IS-F in just about every way imaginable - And that's because it's actually Lexus' who are piss poor in comparison not the other way around.

Have you ever driven an equivalent Audi or BMW? Obviously not. Or you're judgemental skills are that of a small goat.

Stop whining. You're a salesman, and not the only one who is having to survive in the current economical climate.

You deal with the general public and not all of them are a salesman's dream. They are parting with their hard earned cash - that they don't have as much of - on a depreciating asset. It's what your job entails, SELLING people a car, i.e Talking to them and (Trying) to convince them not to buy from a rival brand like Datsun...Or Ssangyong.

Dream customers who are adament on a certain car without looking at different brands are few and far between these days, and ironically go against the definiton of a "Salesman" because you then aren't actually having to sell them a car. Just filling out V5's and Sales Order forms.

When you work for Lexus and comment on a public forum, you represent the brand and the reputation it comes with. And have done a magnificent job in giving it a bad name.

The other problem is that you obviously seem to think the brand is bigger than it is. Lexus has never been a BMW or Audi beater and never will be, it's a rebranded Toyota for crying out loud (No offence to Toyota's). Wake up to the real world.

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