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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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[Rusty arrives somewhat tardily]

:roflmao: Can't believe I've missed out on all this! I saw the thread at the top of the list many times, but thought to myself "Nah, Lexus! Who really cares...."

Anyway, I doubt I'll ever have the inclination to buy a Lexus, but having seen all this going on I'd be tempted to take a test drive. Yes indeed! After all, the van needs to go in for a new starter motor, and I really could do with some free transport while that happens. A free Lexus for a couple of days would do nicely thank you, with the added bonus of p!ssing off another "up his own arse"* dealer to boot.

*this assumes that said dealer actually has an arse to be up, and does not extend to the service department or certain parts departments, but is limited exclusively to smug sales jockeys who have the unfortunate luxury of being entitled as "executives" when everyone knows that the bloke in the office who they keep running off to talk to is the real deal maker.

The names have been changed to protect the ignorant, and any similarity to person or persons alive or deceased is entirely at your own risk. No communications will be entered into regarding defaced or illegible conversations, unless expressly informed beforehand that the conversation is (or may be) recorded for the purposes of stitching the customer up when the sh!t hits the fan.

Your mileage is irrelevant.

Or words to that effect.

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To be fair, I'd rather have a Mondeo than an A4.... :P

You know what's really shocking, is that I probably agree with this :eek: I get a lot of mid-range cars, and I have to say the last mondy I had was quite astonishing to drive. My previous A4s have been at best bland, and at worse unfinished and broken* :ffs:

*And nothing to do with what I did them. Oh no.

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Just got to the end of this thread - what a barrage of abuse that idiot comes out with, he is obviously passionate about the brandcos he has taken work home with him, most car salesmen at this time of the year wouldn't do that I believe!

Anyway after all that reading I think he will come back to the news that his IP address has been traced and we can see where he comes from - who can do this??

I'm going to book the 48 hour test drive and check out the GS - just to see how crap it really is in boot space when I go to Calais! I know probably wont allow it to go abroad but its worth a punt.

LMD - have a good holiday - get drunk and break a leg so you can watch the demise of your dealership on sky news whilst getting better...

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Lexus is a marque in its own right now. No models are Toyotas even in the home market any more. +++

But they are made out of Toyota bits!

If you start taking one apart, you will find them remarkably similar (exactly the fecking same in fact) under the skin!

Toyotas problem is that they bulid cars in the UK now, hence they fall to pieces, dont know where Luxus' are made but I hope it's japan, they should be built a bit better if thats the case.

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The ICF got their name through travelling to "football matches" via the Inter City trains, so ironically not connected to cars in any way. Perhaps some of the original ICF did have cars? Toyota perhaps? Does the modern ICF member drive a Lexus?

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