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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Pleaseeeeeeeeeee slow down everyone, i have spent 2 hours reading and i can't catch up. This thread is all over the place and dont know where to start.

I will ask everyone to be kind to LMD for their own sake. I can confirm first hand that the West Ham lot are not people you want to upset.

I was with two mates at my local football ground when we played West Ham in a "friendly", there were no tickets left in the home end so we stood in the West Ham end. After calling Neil Rudduck fat, we were confronted by 7 or 8 of "the firm" and told to run as soon as the final whistle goes. After a few minutes a couple of them were even pulled away by their own guys.

Long story short we were ok and got out safe. Oh forgot to mention, me and my mates were 11 years old. Double hard ba5tards those Hammers.

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I'm suprised you didn't use Samaurai Swords LEXUS-MAINDEALER?

I'm getting really confused now; I'm trying to get my head around whether this person actually believes in his own self-worth as a glorified Toyota brand employee, or whether it's a regular taking the piss.

Do Lexus really train their staff to be as loyal as Kamakhazi Pilots? I thought I was bad but this person seems to have a unblinding, unquestionable faith in the Lexus Brand.

That's because it is a company with vision and you are a mere Spunk Trumpet!

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Pleaseeeeeeeeeee slow down everyone, i have spent 2 hours reading and i can't catch up. This thread is all over the place and dont know where to start.

I will ask everyone to be kind to LMD for their own sake. I can confirm first hand that the West Ham lot are not people you want to upset.

I was with two mates at my local football ground when we played West Ham in a "friendly", there were no tickets left in the home end so we stood in the West Ham end. After calling Neil Rudduck fat, we were confronted by 7 or 8 of "the firm" and told to run as soon as the final whistle goes. After a few minutes a couple of them were even pulled away by their own guys.

Long story short we were ok and got out safe. Oh forgot to mention, me and my mates were 11 years old. Double hard ba5tards those Hammers.

Bollocks, you were 13 1/2!

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Oi Clit, when you've finished spouting toss, get round my house and empty those bins!

I just hope you're big enough to back up your insults sunbeam, 'cos someone might just take umbrage at you throwing insults at people like that.

Personally I'm big enough to rise above it (being as you're too far away from my house for a quick visit to "empty your bins") but perhaps someone will be kind enough to wipe the blood up for you when you finally get yours. :P

Edit: I also note that you failed to disagree with my view of Toyota and their engine construction skills with regard to the dark side. +++

Edited by Rustynuts
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