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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Poor LMD, his sisters finally had enough, run away from him. His Mum's caught him being naughty on the internet and restricted his web time. Now he's making an excuse he's on holiday, when anyone with a wife and needing to relax would be off doing naughty things, drinking plenty of alcohol and ignoring the computer full of people he doesn't know.

His aspirations of becoming a Lexus Main-Dealer are shot and now he's in-line with being someone's ****ty doorstop they wipe their feet on. :( Albeit a very rude and insulting one at that. I feel sorry for the poor kid. Bet he fails his GCSE's this year too...

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Well lets see what happens to the dealers at Lexus - I believe if they can only sell <600 units in a month when over 5000 BMW's and Audis were sold shouts volums to me - they wont be able to survive and Mr LMD will be looking for a new job blowing bubbles for the likes of boy george, I hear he likes "your sort of bubbles" MR LMD!

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There are, however, some aspects of quality, fundamental to your appreciation of our cars, which cannot easily be measured – the harmony of a perfectly balanced engine, for example,

Our passionate, personal approach to quality across the entire Lexus range means you will enjoy a car that runs with exemplary smoothness and reliability

Oh, and there was me thinking they'd just chucked the rough, underpowered, un-economical engine out of the Avensis into the Is220d :rolleyes:

It's seriously sh!t, years behind the competition in economy, emmisions and power levels, even a bloody Mondeo does better!

I'll pay for the tracktime, slowest lap (*ahem* that'll be Tipex) can buy the beers afterwards. :grin:

Hmm, I'm fairly sure my slowest ever lap of the Nurburgring, in a Nissan Primera with a blocked exhaust, in a monsoon, is still quicker than your fastest ever time :P

And dont forget what happened last time you made a bet with me!! I believe the drinks were on you?

Right then : Silverstone, put your name down -

Duisberg + 1 - driving a RX400h in that hideous earwax beige colour they all seem to come in.

Tipex & Bro-in-law driving a GS460 kindly donated for 48hrs by Saltdean Lexus, although will have to fit Silverstone in around mini-cabbing the Lexus:cool:

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I bet this Lexus guy is a regular on here having a windup! Can we do an ip trace to see what other name he logs in under?!

Of course and I'm sure the mods would have checked it out already. They won't be able to go public the IP info though so just enjoy the entertaining ride. ;)

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I bet this Lexus guy is a regular on here having a windup! Can we do an ip trace to see what other name he logs in under?!

I don't think any regular would come on here under a different name being quite so offensive to be honest. It's just a bit too strong to be jest from someone we know IMHO +++

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It would take too much effort, even from one such as myself, to be that much of a **** if it wasn't heartfelt and sincere. He must work at a Beemer place, maybe the Canterbury one? I made the mistake of walking in there with lots of money after I sold my first house but in jeans and tee-shirt. The salesman obviously thought the brown paper bag had my lunch in it....

As for Lexus cars, if I wanted a toyota I'd buy one not some engineered to a strict budget, over marketed bag of ****(says the man who drives an Audi:uhoh:). The 1.3 '86 Corolla was a great little car, space and the 12 valve engine revved forever.


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Well back on topic...

I had an R32 for 20 hours when I test drove it. All went well until they offered me 5% off a new car :rolleyes: Bear in mind I work for group this Dealer is owned by (!!)

I went to another VW Dealer in our group and got the 10% off I wanted. I felt a little bit bad but at the end of the day it's my hard earned and the R32 was hardly flying out the showroom at the time.

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It's people like you that really piss me off. As a Lexus Main Dealer, I have to put up with rubbish like you wasting my bloody time and expecting me to bend over backwards to accomodate your every wish. The motor trade is tough at the moment and we can well do without vermin like you f***ing us about. I suggest that next time you go to the tip you take your BMW and your Scenic with you and leave them there you cock.

Let this be a warning to any other jokers who can't afford to buy a quality prestige vehicle, us dealers have had enough of your crap and you will be chased out of our showrooms and back to your hovells where you belong. you TIT!

Hmm, you can't delete stuff that has been quoted though, can you. Charming turn of phrase he has too.

Anyone else bored of Turkey yet ? ;)

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LOL. I think someone is fearing for their already rather precarious job. Looks like he/she posted from the dealership...

Pretty easy for Lexus to trace any pc's in the network accessing this thread, regardless of whether the affending posts have been removed or not. Plenty of quoted posts still here.

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