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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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The ICF have nothing to do with football. They were hooligans pure and simple.

Sam, this forum is about cars and how we as the british motorists can use our experiences for the good of all our fellow drivers. It's not about you building up the courage to say you are a Man United supporter because all your friends are despite never going to a game in your life.

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Sam, this forum is about cars and how we as the british motorists can use our experiences for the good of all our fellow drivers. It's not about you building up the courage to say you are a Man United supporter because all your friends are despite never going to a game in your life.

:roflmao: You're funny, I'll give you that. A troll, but a funny one at least.

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I have been sent to this thread from ***********.Net (if that doesn't appear correctly on here it's because Molly is still being a **** even though we allow people to link through to here ).

Anyway, to my points:

1. Clarkson and Top Gear did not originate the fact that all Audi drivers are cocks. I did. You'll find evidence of that some 5 years ago on this very forum. I knew long before anyone else did and I am deeply upset that Clarkson appears to be taking the credit for my discovery. Furthermore, you should stop propagating the myth that he originated it and start saying 'MrMe said'. Thank you.

2. I have, or rather my wife does, a Lexus RX400 SE-L. 57 plates, Persian Metallic (beige)with Oakham (beige). I like beige. My wife does too. I'd like to know if you are the mystery dealer that will be able to resolve our issue with the DVD screens in the headrests. The like to roll. Our dealer thought they'd solved it only for the mystery rolling to reappear as soon as we drove the car instead of one of their staff driving the car. In every other respect they have been exceptional. They even washed my 6 series once. I was rather disappointed that they didn't offer to do it again but confess that I'd only popped in to thank them for Harvey the Lexus dog which they kindly gave to our youngest daughter.

3. Do you have a fat receptionist? It seems standard trim for Lexus dealers. I just wondered.

4. Please stop posting. You're bringing untold numbers of views to TSN and it's really pissing me off. I mean, come on, we're even linking to this thread now and that's just not on.

5. The RX400 SE-L (SE-L is very important as you'll know, none of the peasant **** here) quotes MPG wayyyyy more than you'd achieve if you rolled it down a hill for 50 miles with the engine off. We've achieved 28.3 after 23,000 miles. If anyone does take the 48 hour Lexus test drive they'll probably find they average about 25-26. So, it is the engine loosening up or the batteries loosening up? I'd love to know.

6. On everything else, you're right.

7. Can I have an IS-F for a 48 hour test drive? I might actually buy one.

8. TDK used to make those metallic chrome cassettes you know. I had some of those in a Toyota Corolla 1.6 GTi Twin Cam (box hatch, not the coupe crap, that's important).

9. If I can't have an IS-F, can I have an LS460? I'm getting on a bit now and as I already drive a 6 series I think I fit the profile of a potential LS460 customer (and can you wash the 6 too?). I will be changing my car in 2009 and I don't waste peoples time (and we take all our rubbish to the tip in the RX400 (SE-L you know) we already own.

10. What are you on? I'd like some.

Edited by Daz
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My dear sir, you are a breath of fresh air to my oh so tired ears. It is a true pleasure to hear from someone who understands what I have to deal with on a daily basis. People think that it's their god given right to go to a dealership and spout total bollocks. They demand everything from you and give nothing back in return, no commitment, due care or respect. I'm taking a stand - this is where the dealers fight back. We shall say NO to fictional quotes presented to us by our customers, we shall say NO to PX overallowance, we shall sell finance over base rate and we shall get the good times back when we made a profit and lived the good life. I have a very expensive Mrs. who thinks money grows on trees, a half share in a 3 legged race horse which spends more time at the vets than a Merc does in the garage and a swimming pool that won't see hot water again for quite sometime. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I want to earn a bonus again AAARRRGGGGHHHH.

What about my DVD screens? You must be our dealer by the sound of it.

You avoided the subject, almost politician-like, and complimented me on my beige trousers. I'd much prefer it if you fixed my DVD screens.

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What about my DVD screens? You must be our dealer by the sound of it.

You avoided the subject, almost politician-like, and complimented me on my beige trousers. I'd much prefer it if you fixed my DVD screens.

Take your RX back to the dealer again and tell them that it needs to be sorted once and for all. You are a loyal cutomer and would appreciate it if the screens can be fixed or replaced. If they have anything about them they will welcome the work and claim it under warranty. Please be polite to them though and ask if you can test drive the LS460 whilst you are waiting (they won't have a IS-F on the demo fleet unfortunatley). I'm sure they will reslove the problem for you one way or another.

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You really cant fault their customer service, and we had no trouble with either of the cars we had, an IS200 and the IS300 both old shape which we owned for the last 6 years.

The reason we bought an Audi 2 months ago is the lies and deceit that came out of one of the dealerships.

We took the IS300 in for its 60000 mile service which cost a little over £700 and we had a RX400 hi as a loan car.

going to pick the IS up I discovered that somebody had hit the car whilst it was on your property causing a thousand pounds worth of damage, to which everybody in the showroom denied knowledge of.

The CCTV footage of that day had surprise surprise been wiped over I was told as it was on a loop thingy, someone else then phoned and said that they had found footage of me 3 days earlier going in to make the appointment with a woman.

I then asked how they still had CCTV footage of me 3 days ago, but not of me the day before if their machine was on a loop.

To Lexus credit they did eventually pay for the damage but it took us 2 weeks threatning god knows what, and your head office turned out to be about as good as an ashtray on a motorbike.

And if you work near the famous rugby ground you will know that this is all true.

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My Mrs. keeps giving me funny looks and asking what I'm shouting about. Think she thinks I'm looking at some sort of kinky porn site. I suppose I am really as it's full of strange tits!!!!! LOL

Something tells me that your strategy of "I'm taking a stand - this is where the dealers fight back. We shall say NO to fictional quotes presented to us by our customers, we shall say NO to PX overallowance, we shall sell finance over base rate and we shall get the good times back when we made a profit and lived the good life" isn't working so well... :roflmao:

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You really cant fault their customer service, and we had no trouble with either of the cars we had, an IS200 and the IS300 both old shape which we owned for the last 6 years.

The reason we bought an Audi 2 months ago is the lies and deceit that came out of one of the dealerships.

We took the IS300 in for its 60000 mile service which cost a little over £700 and we had a RX400 hi as a loan car.

going to pick the IS up I discovered that somebody had hit the car whilst it was on your property causing a thousand pounds worth of damage, to which everybody in the showroom denied knowledge of.

The CCTV footage of that day had surprise surprise been wiped over I was told as it was on a loop thingy, someone else then phoned and said that they had found footage of me 3 days earlier going in to make the appointment with a woman.

I then asked how they still had CCTV footage of me 3 days ago, but not of me the day before if their machine was on a loop.

To Lexus credit they did eventually pay for the damage but it took us 2 weeks threatning god knows what, and your head office turned out to be about as good as an ashtray on a motorbike.

And if you work near the famous rugby ground you will know that this is all true.

I'm sorry to say that there are a few naughty dealers in every network. I'm glad it was sorted out and understand the stress it must have caused you. What did you think of the RX? it is a superb vehicle.

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Something tells me that your strategy of "I'm taking a stand - this is where the dealers fight back. We shall say NO to fictional quotes presented to us by our customers, we shall say NO to PX overallowance, we shall sell finance over base rate and we shall get the good times back when we made a profit and lived the good life" isn't working so well... :roflmao:

It will given time - it bloody needs to because my Mrs. costs me a fortune in fake tan alone (I hope she doesn't read this), she's starting to glow in the dark!

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