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Lexus 48 hour test drive !


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Audi have cancelled all their hybrid stuff and have said they'll instead concentrate on reducing weight.

I stil say the simplest solution to this carbon thingies issue is just to knuckle down and develop biofuel production from waste bio-products (not bloody food-grade corn, America - you listening?). There's been some interesting research into using woodchips as a feedstock, and developing enzymes that can break the long cellulose (sp?) chains down into sugars that can be fast-fermented into what is essentially alcohol easily.

That way, existing cars don't need CO2 expending on scrapping and recycling them, existing petrol stations don't need CO2 expending on 'upgrading' them to support hydrogen, and we don't need all the energy required to split hydrogen from water, cool it, comress it, store it, transport it and deliver it to a car-shaped mobile potential bomb. Nor would anyone have to worry about 'silent' hybrids running deaf people over.

Imagine a world where you could have 6 ltre V12 engines in your car if you liked, safe in the knowledge that all the fuel you burn has a nett zero CO2 output because plant material wil be grown to replace it?

Seems like a plan to me. Sod buggering about with hydrogen and polluting, poisonous metals for batteries.

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Mollox my dear chap that would be a bloody stupid idea, wouldn't it. Now let's get one thing straight, the ideal behind the Lexus 48 hour test drive campaign is to give genuine potential buyers the chance to drive engineering excellence. It is not intended for bored Audi drivers to fan the flames of anger amongst hard working

Forgive me for interjecting but I need to state the obvious - from what we've seen, you're either online or on holiday!

and professional

how can I put this? errr.....:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Lexus salesmen who have spent years perfecting the art of Kaizan.

:grin: I'm on my way to spain in the morning to push you out of a church tower :P

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Forgive me for interjecting but I need to state the obvious - from what we've seen, you're either online or on holiday!

how can I put this? errr.....:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

:grin: I'm on my way to spain in the morning to push you out of a church tower :P

Now thant's not very nice is it, wanting to push me out of a church tower. Look what might happen to some more Audi's as a revenge attack!!!


I'm quite happy to take it to the next level, LOL


Oh I'm forever blowing bubbles.....


.....pretty bubbles in the air.

Bring it on then boy, I'm waiting.

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think you will find that attack was on a boyfriends car by his now-ex girlfriend - rumour has it he took her on a holiday of a lifetime then ignored her by constantly popping down to reception with a bag of euros for the internet ... watch your back!!:Slap:


nice holiday so far surfing the internet for that picture:grin:

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I'm suprised you didn't use Samaurai Swords LEXUS-MAINDEALER?

I'm getting really confused now; I'm trying to get my head around whether this person actually believes in his own self-worth as a glorified Toyota brand employee, or whether it's a regular taking the piss.

Do Lexus really train their staff to be as loyal as Kamakhazi Pilots? I thought I was bad but this person seems to have a unblinding, unquestionable faith in the Lexus Brand.

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What a lucky wife he has ...... probably being chatted up at the bar by the ever-attentive Pedro, and I bet he's only got a moped and a spare helmet!!!;)

This is a Lexus Car Salesmen we're talking about. Given the fact Lexus can't even sell cars in the best of times he's probably holidaying at the Premier Travel-Inn off Junction 31 of the M1 in Worksop...

His Girlfriend/Wife is being chatted up by Fred the Truck Driver whilst he sits on the Burger King Internet Station ;)

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All this hybrid energy drive talk reminded me, which car won the economy test around the Top Gear track recently ?, was it the Toyota Prius or the new BMW M3?

Toyota have even delayed building their new Prius plant in the U.S, obviously no confidence in their technology to warrant building a new factory there then.

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:roflmao:I can't believe LMD has bothered to log-in at the airport to put a response on this .... now that is funny/sad/not really going on holiday/wife is obviously ignoring u (any ideas y?)/hope the hotel has internet/, delete those not applicable - saying that why am I replying?? - doh!

I'm gonna get the sack at work for spending all my time keeping up with this thread ... oh no wait, I'm one of the bosses, wonder if this is cheap-thrill is tax-deductable?:P

Keep it up your another reason I joined the forum, you made me cry with laughter when I read your posts last night.+++

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100, 000 miles? Is that all?

What happens when the batteries die? The car will be on the 2nd or 3rd owner by then. I am sure they won't want to have to replace them.

Can it run on just the engine with dead batteries?

You see, Audi have cancelled all their hybrid stuff and have said they'll instead concentrate on reducing weight.

Besides, a decent diesel engine will bet more combined mpg than petrol and battery.

Why didn't/don't Lexus combine a decent V diesel with the hybrid and reduce their emissions and tax bracket a bit more?

Because Toyota are crap at making a decent economical diesel engine, that's why. +++

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