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BMW key memory


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Bought an X5 and as my wife and i both regularly drive the car it would be useful to have the key memory setup. I assume this adjusts the seat and mirrors to the programmed position for each key, so we have a key each.

What do I need to give my dealer to activate this both in terms of cash and what info do they need. Do they set it that 1 key operates say to memory 1 on the seat and the other memory 2? Is there anything else i should be getting programmed while its with them?

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Both the keys will already recall different memories.

The car remembers the setting for the key being used, so if you use key1... set all the seats, aircon, radio presets and door mirrors how you like them... then use key2 and do the same... when you go back to using key1 it will revert to the key1 settings.

Easiest way to set it up is program your MEM1 and MEM2 on the drivers seat, then get in with key1, press MEM1 then lock the car using key1. Now get in with key2, press MEM2, lock car with key2.

Easier to show someone than describe how to do it.

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Yes think I am with you. So set it all under memory one for me as i have done and lock the car. then go back with key 2, press mem2 for my wife's settings and lock the car. job done.

The manual seemed to read it needed dealer programming to work properly but will give this a try first.

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My understanding of it, which doesn't contradict what Biscuits has said, is that:

Each key stores the current settings for the car when you lock it.

Each key also stores its own settings for Memory 1 & 2.

So if you open the car and use a key, you will get the key's last settings. But then you can also go on and select Memory 1 or Memory 2 (for that key) to get those settings, thus updating the key's current setting.

So you and your wife could just use separate keys and always use the key's current setting. Or, for both keys, you could set Memory 1 for you and Memory 2 for your wife. Then whichever key you use, if the settings are not correct immediately, you can simply select Memory 1 or 2 as appropriate.

I only actually use one key, so it is possible that I am wrong about the seat memories being unique to each key, they may just be "seat memories".

You certainly don't need anything from the dealer for this stuff.

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Tried it tonight but the seat doesn't move when unlocking. set my position as memory 1 and wifes as 2, set it all to my position and locked the car. Then unlocked using the second key and nothing changed. Think you could be right about the two keys having different seat memorys as they seemed to get a bit screwed up.

Am I doing something wrong?

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I think key memory needs to be "switched on" by the dealer. Once it is active, then it operates as described above.

Easiest time to do it is when it goes in for a service - they have to hook up the laptop anyway so its only a few extra minutes.

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