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Been thinking about having it done, looked at various places and at the moment am favouring Greenfield who fit the BRC system, it's not the cheapest but they offer the most/best info. Including such things as "block it" which is apparently a number of led balls being fitted in the tank and for the R32 engine a system called "flash it" which is a separate reservoir in the engine compartment filled with a valve lub. 1ltr lasts 40k. The reason for these additional items apparently is to protect the R32 engine valves as they are softer??? and without help don't like the slightly higher temperatures of LPG. Any comments/criticisms would be welcomed.

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My thoughts entirely Humpty, I can't understand why you would buy a car like this to try and then want to save fuel. They are thirsty little buggers but its horse's for course's.

I'm making a conscious effert to make my carbon footprint as big as possible, afterall I'm going to be paying £400 + road tax soon !! and I at least want some value for money. they were built for thrashing and that's what it gets...............but never abused.

The wife has a Diesal Fiesta if i want sum serious miles per gallon or I need to go to the dump !!!

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ok perhaps I misunderstood your comments, no harm done. I am absolutely assured that there will be no more than a 1 to 2 % drop in performance, which I doubt would be noticeable. The car is used by my wife who probably wouldn't notice a 20% drop. It wasn't bought for it's performance. I bought it for looks, interior, ease of driving and the fact that they are quite rare.

I should add that when this crunch is over it won't be long till the fuel prices go through the roof again. Maybe LPG will be a big selling point???? Only time will tell

Edited by Henry52
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That is something that I have to discuss in detail with the fitting station, although there isn't many options, in the spare wheel well or bloody great tank in boot. So if we rule out bloody great tank in boot. My thinking at the moment is remove kit in spare wheel well, allow them to fit tank in there and allow them to raise it a few inches above boot floor, (this depends on capacity of tank that will fit in there) Raise boot floor by those few inches by filling in the area around tank with that thick/compacted foam/sponge into which can be cutout areas for the various tools.??? Fit LPG connector behind number plate.

I am only thinking about it, if it can't be done neatly/discreetly exactly the way I want it then it will be a no go project.

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