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S8 -01 login code for ABS/ESD?


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I think i can recode my modules just fine with the 704.1 software, but i cannot log in to the ABS/ESP control unit without the correct code.

If it´s not the ABS/ESP that needs recoding then what makes the "foot on brake pedal" come up when i turn on the ignition?

It should be the same thing that makes it not to show the PRNDS in the display (as you see in the film).


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It works just fine....!

I went to the dealer to get the failing gearstick fixed (you can move the stick without the key or take key out while stick is in N instead of P :eek:) and when they had finished whatever they were doing the car wouldn´t start :roflmao:

The instrument cluster is black and the immobiliser makes it unstartable +++

So i´ll guess im gonna have to pay for whatever they have destroyd.... :ffs:

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