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Cars for fellow TSN'ers.....


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unless you need the thrill of asphyxiation to get yer rocks off, best bet would be paper bag over head and stay on top I would imagine (and I'm trying not too ...... ):P

The FHM favourite of "reverse cowgirl" isn't a safe option either IMO ........

Edited by just_chick
too roooode
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Step 1 - Break through the crust

Step 2 - ....

Step 2 would be pull it apart like a cold toasted cheese sandwich! :eek:

One of my mates pulled a bird like that once, she was maybe slightly smaller but not a lot, and I'm not sure if it counts as pulling, when clearly, your doing her the favour, but he went there all the same, but due to his extreme drunkenness he couldn't remember what it was like.

So, armed with her phone number, he rang her a couple of days later, and went back sober just so he could remember what it was like!:suicide:

He's a braver man than I :bow:

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Easy JC. Roll her in flour to find her damp patch, take a sea sickness pill and jump on! :eek:

No personal experience but sound like a plan eh?

In principal, TT :roflmao: But let's face it, could you? How one would remain turgid would be beyond my capabilities as a man* :grin:

* and my missus says I'm all man...

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