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A few photos


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Although the weekend was mainly about the wheels i gave the Auris SR a quick detail to. A bit late in the day with the pics but i think it has good reflections and wetness for Silver (has a blue hue to it sometimes).

RMG and VM mixed 50/50 to make Pink Moose. Applied on Megs Polishing pad speed 4.

Nattys Red for the protection.

Mothers "Show Time" for a wipe down afterwards.








Need to get some "on location" shots.


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Amazing results Geoff +++

I've heard of people using the RMG & VMHG to make the pink stuff. I guess the VMHG cleans the paint & remove / fill swirls and the RMG provides the metalic pop / clarity & depth.

Really impressive results on a colour that I would imagine takes some effort to really get that nice wet look which you have achieved.

The wheels look excellent too - like the design of those :)

I assume Mothers Showdown a QD? How does it compare to others?

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Thanks TT!

The Pink Moose, esp. on the Megs polishing pad is just a bit of refresher. It cleans, knocks out marring from cleaning and fills up any swirls. There is hardly any work time, i just smear it over a small area with the polisher off. It doesnt spread to well but then i hit it with speed 4 until theres nothing there. RMG does make the car wet and such a great product on silver!

Showtime is a nice QD, i can only describe it as weak version of Quickshine. It wont make your car reflective unless thats what the products you have make it like. It wont make it deep if you havent already for depth. It just refreshes and enhances whats there.

Its a good cleaner too, i like to use it when im machine polishing as it encapsulates well and makes the oily residue wipe away easily.


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Thanks guys!

Dibbs, i applied the Pink Moose with the machine but Nattys Paste Wax by hand. The machine really works the product in to the paintwork and often you find there is much less residue to wipe away!

The machine application seems much thiner so you do not get lines of it in the gaps. As soon as the pad touches the paintwork the blobs of product get pushed thinly over the pad.

I think you will love the machine!


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