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Petrol prices to rise 5p per litre in Sept!


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Not good news guys and gals..

Petrol prices set to rise by 5p a litre by September as wholesale costs soar - Home | Mail Online

Petrol prices are set to soar by up to 3p a litre at the height of the holiday season this month because of rising wholesale costs, the AA warned today.

But motorists face a double whammy from September 1 when the cash-strapped Government imposes an additional and controversial 2p a litre tax rise at the pumps to swell depleted Treasury coffers - making a 5p a litre rise in total.

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Bottled water is by far my biggest bugbear - WHY DO PEOPLE PAY SO MUCH FOR THIS CR*P??

A 500ml bottle of water at the local petrol station is £1.20 which is £2.40 per Litre. The total extent of their exertions for this involve colecting the water after passing it through a big sieve then bottling.

Super Unleaded which has had to be mined out of the ground at huge, huge expense, (getting greater all the time), then refined god knows how many times, then have additives added plus the research that has gone into these, then taxed beyond all belief and it ends up at £1.09 per litre.

WTF - is mineral water the biggest rip-off of all time??

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  Torino101 said:

WTF - is mineral water the biggest rip-off of all time??

Becasue people buy it.

Stop buying it, price will drop. But people 'love' bottled water and insist that it is better for you. (See SK's thread on low-cal water in L-o-J). Bottled water might be - at a push - the same for you, as tap water. Just big city dwellers notice the difference in taste.

Imagine the carbon overhead drop if people stopped drinking so much bottled water............

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