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GCab and a few others (myself included) think it is a good idea to have a thread where we can put photos in that we have taken that don't fit in with the competitions.

So I have created this thread (and will cross the palms of the mod's with silver to get it made a sticky hopefully) as somewhere to stick them.

Either photobucket or flickr would be a good place to host them and link to.

Also don't forget the TSN flickr group +++

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Ok I will start us off :)

Another one from Wings and Wheels on Sunday, this was one of the Red Bull Matadors display team. I wanted to get the plane sharp in the shot but have the propeller moving and blurred to show some motion. I think I could have gone with a slightly longer shutter speed but am pretty happy with the result though.


1/160sec f5.6 ISO200

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That's cool :D

I wouldn't have thought to go that fast (it was 1/160, not 1/60?) but it looks perfect in terms of proportion of blurred disc to empty (not just three blurry thin lines, but also not just a faint complete disc either) +++. Good result.

If you want slow exposures, here's one :grin:


f/18, exposure 30 seconds I think, with 10-stop filter

(from memory - I can't get at the EXIF data on this PC but can check at home)

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'Straight' view of the same scene, for comparison (there were boats in the first shot too, but you can't see them as they moved during the exposure - I keep meaning to try this out to give a '28 Days Later' view of deserted city centre streets...)


Again setting n/available but something like f/11, no filter, normal range shutter speed, tripod, early morning light - will check EXIF.

Both photos straightened and corrected for perspective with Nikon software, but otherwise unmodified.

Edited by GCab
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When I went to Hong Kong about 3 years or so ago, they were building the tallest skyscraper you can see in your picture, with bamboo scaffolding all the way to the top!

Just the sound of it creaking in the breeze was enough to get my knees knocking let alone swinging from the top of it like some of the builders were!

I've got some nice night shots taken from the same location as yours, on the mainland near the clock tower where the orient express used to terminate!

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Yes, we saw the bamboo scaffolding! Not on that building obviously, but elsewhere.

Funny thing is, even when they use metal scaffolding, they put it up in the same dense interlocking way:


Night shots: what, like this? :grin:

Anyway, stick 'em up then +++ - one in, all in




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Here's a couple for you. Taken on our roadtrip earlier this year in Austria. Massive MASSIVE storm in the mountains so I spent ages on the balcony trying to get a good lightning shot. Missed all the best forked ones but did get these.



Ok, now check this one out, taken just two minutes later: :eek:


Weird huh? Couldn't believe it when I went back inside and went throught the pictures afterwards. :confused:

Here's the same view in the daytime. After 1000 + miles and arriving in the night, it was fantastic to wake up to this the following day:


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So today I was in London and thought I would pop in to a Nikon store that is highly recommended. I was enquiring about a lens that is released later in the year and ended up putting my name down for it so they can call me nearer the time. I also ended up shelling out on a 10-24mm wide angle lens. This "hobby" is getting expensive already!!!! :roflmao:

Anyway here is a shot with my new lens!


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Its the Nikon 10-24mm f3.5-f4.5 lens. So far very impressed.

I have also put my name down for the new 70-200mm f2.8 lens, but it's £2000 :eek:

The London eye picture looks good, The thing that makes it for me is the shadow on the building of the eye.+++

I've got a picture of the London eye from the same place but it's at night.

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DHA, love that shot. The sky looks great and the shadow of the wheel with the glint from the Sun on the building is awesome. How much work did you do to it in post production? Would it benefit from having the river etc a bit brighter?

pp work as follows;


Highlight recovery +24

Black Clipping -9

Vibrance +40

Saturation +13

Clarity +21

Exposure +0.10

Sharpening +70

I also created a mask to lighten the boat on the right and the Houses of Parliament a bit. Will play about with another mask on the river.

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