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I really need to sort out my priorites in 2010. I think my biggest New Years resolution will be to take my camera for a walk a lot more often and take more generally.

Yet again I've not done the photo challenge which is really rather pathetic.

But I might have a nice big new purchase on the horizon and that will mean lots more photos in 2010 and beyond. +++

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Was t the inlaws today and went for a walk with the camera - only managed 400 yards before the temp made us turn back! It was only -1 but felt like -10, so shot a couple of snowy scenes and retreated.

I finally bit the bullett and ordered that Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 lens for my D90.

Hopefully be here next week, ordered the usual UV and CP Filters for it, so hopefully will post up so images soon. Ordered from Onestop Digital in HK all in for £465.

Good luck with the 70-200, what sort of body upgrade - suppose you'll stick to DX with your lens investments - 2nd hand D300 or new D300s?? :)



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A 1DMkIV maybe :grin: ok back to reality.

I'm torn to be honest, the 5DMkII is exceptional, the photos it takes are staggering and the ISO lelvels it can get to without generating noise it just silly compared to a crop.

But it does have a little bit of an issue with sports photography, yes I could get the 1DMkIII but its too much of a backwards step in to many areas and I don't really want a large 1D body.

I think if a 3D comes out it would be perfect but who knows I can but hope. But I'm doing more wedding photography and the 40D just doesn't quite cut it, decisions decisions. :D

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Ive not tried the 5DII yet with action stuff yet... hopefully will be getting to lots of Motorsport and BSB this year!!

I wouldnt consider the 1DIII a step backwards... in fact i would say that its an almost perfect camera for you if you want it for weddings and stuff like sports. Almost all sports togs use 1.3x cameras of some description!

I just cant see a 3D happening... rumours have been kicking around since 2006 and it would tread dangerously on the toes of the 1Ds series if it were to get a FF sensor!

Im happy with the 5DII... the only one thing that seems a bit duff is low light AF... but if youve got a Flash on it the AF assist works very well! Its literally 100 times better than my 40D in terms of noise/resolution/general IQ/Dynamic Range.... you just loose a few FPS and 60% focal length!!

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I've used a 5DII and it is indeed fantastic but I still have some concerns about the AF, not having cross points around the outside really isn't good enough and why I think a 3D or 5DIII will happen.

Nikon will be releasing a an updated D700 soon and Canon really can't let them have a high MPix sensor FF and pro level AF when they have nothing in that price range.

3 years ago Canon had a 15% greater market share than Nikon and have only got 0.2% last year and have been slow to respond to the threat almost arrogant. Most would never have thought the 7D was going to happen but it did, get that AF into a FF lower end camera (its still not pro level but a big improvement) and I think you have a 3D for maybe £2.5k and I'd buy one.

As for the 1DIII, the sensor isn't in the same league as a 5DII, I'd rather have that and cope with the focusing issues that go 1.3x and a lower Mpix. I upload some of my shots to sell and have sold some but the up scaling does present some issues that a 15+ sensor wouldn't.+++

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what sort of body upgrade - suppose you'll stick to DX with your lens investments - 2nd hand D300 or new D300s?? :)



my D90 is only about 4 months old, so I will stick with that for a while. Any future lenses will be FX, but I think an FX body is probably over a year away. I have my eye on a 24-70 as the next "investment" ;)

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Some photos from last night




All taken with Sigma 10-20mm, Superclamp with magicarm used as support for the 20-30Second exposures.

For me, Buying better lenses is the way forward, The difference a pro lens made to my image quality was amazing on large prints. (I do try to make sure the lenses are full frame if I do decide to upgrade in the future)

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Love the second one, the quality is pretty good all over that image.

Which body are you using tobes? A sigma version of a 24-70 f2.8 might be an option if it is a good deal cheaper than the nikon verison

I've got a Sony DSLR-A100,

I've got a sigma 24-70 F2.8 and Sony 70-200 F2.8, The sigma is soft at 2.8 and extremes of the zoom, I would hate to see what it like on a full frame camera! The Sony lens is in a different league.

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