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Golf Auto Box Query

the gardener

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Hi All,

I have a 1997 Mk3 Automatic golf with the 1.8 engine.

It has the eco gearbox.

My question is - Does any one know at what revs the car should be cruising at while doing 70mph?

The revs seem quite high at between 3 - 4000 rpm at 70mph (most autos iv,e had '1800cc' cruise at around 2 - 3000`rpm.

Also the car seems to rev fairly high while climbing steep hills at between 3 - 4000 rpm. and even stays at these revs for about 15 seconds while back on level ground?

Normal driving below 60mph except for steep hills is perfect.

I am wondering if the above syptoms could be completely normal for this car or not?

I await your comments.


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