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smaller hi fi rack

Calm Chris

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Could anyone recommend a mini system hifi rack for some musical fidelity items:-

I have these bits and I'd like to contain them in something simple and orderly:-




The top picture items, amp, radio and cd play are 220mm wide, 120 high and 320 deep.

The power amps are 110mm wide, 120 high and 350 deep.

So ideally I'd need a 5 shelf system in the region of 330 wide, 400mm deep and about 800mm high.

I've looked at the G6 Optimum design units (only mini / micro hi fi racks I can find) and they are no good due to depth limits (310mm) and overly wide at 440mm


So does anyone no of a sensible source for a rack that's like a G6, but deep and thinner ?

Before anyone suggests turning it 90 deg's- the gap between the legs isn't right.

Any links to hi fi unit suppliers would be much appreciated +++

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Howdy Mark,

I gave up and spent yesterday (with my son) making up a rack out of 19mm oak veneer MDF.

Stained and oiled, everything put together and bashing out sounds as I type.

Hope life and family are all doing well. Ta for the feed back.

I'll be sad and go and get a picture of our 'build'.



Edited by Chri5
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Howdy Mark,

I gave up and spent yesterday (with my son) making up a rack out of 19mm oak veneer MDF.

Stained and oiled, everything put together and bashing out sounds as I type.

Hope life and family are all doing well. Ta for the feed back.

I'll be sad and go and get a picture of our 'build'.


Nice job +++ it even matches the floorboards. Could you just help out my OCD by centering that bottom componenent as it's a bit off center :D

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