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Chrome GT-R of joy


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I almost like that, but I think they'll get the same problems that TopGear did with their electric car if the sun comes out - especially this winter sun!

The fix for that is a matt black bonnet like the ones they put on 60's rally cars.

On second thoughts the answer is probably not to do a hideous foil wrap in the first place :rolleyes:

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Get's about a bit :) I had the car from Friday and handed it back on Monday (dropped it off in the car park) for photo duties. It's an absolute beast, such a capable car. I can't publish any of the good 'uns unfortunately but here's some more photo's of it.



It used to be matte white, as featured in Decembers Banzai mag:



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Menacing looking car which makes no qualms about it's appearence. I like them a lot, regardless of their ridiculously expensive parts list. Chrome or silver? Like both, but would opt for the white as I don't have much faith in the longevity of these wraps.

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Spotted in my car park amongst various other exotica.....

Location " Canary wharf "

Take it must belong to one of rediculously paid bankers ! Give it a week and bazza will be pickin up parts up cheeeeeeeeeeep on 247 salvage as Bankers as we all know have a blood supliment of alcohol !

Feckers ........!!!!!!!!!!

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Well this car is spotted all over Bradford lately and i finally saw it on the road myself last night.

Has to be said it looks MUCH better in the flesh than in the pics. Also sounded lovely and much better than the stock exhaust setup. +++

Man.. even the wifey liked it and she aint that fond of 'showy' cars..

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I was out last week and saw a textured almost carbon fibre fake rap, it wasn't smooth it was bumpy, on a GTR, he gave it beans where he could it sounded great.

Only in once street there had been loads of salt down and it was really slippery and as he gassed it the back end slid out and it was between two sets of parked cars, he slowed down for a bit after that. :o:grin:

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