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18-20 stone Fatty flyin !


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Nearly crashed ! 2 days ago when we were snow lagged, waiting outside Tesco`s saw a v-v large middle aged woman in high heels go flyin onto her F A T ass, nearly shunted into the car infront laughin so much, mind you thats the quickest ive ever seen a fatty get back on there feet.............High heels + snow do mix ?............If your chick is a pole dancer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Because they deserve to get hurt falling over (which in itself is funny) as they've allowed themselves to swell to such hideous levels without having any respect for their health or appearance? Just a suggestion...:coffee:

Spotted the same Woman again ! disgracefully woofing down a large Pasty at 9 am she also had a bag of cakes ! the seagulls were keeping a " C L O S E E Y E " on her every movement ! probably hopeing for another slip on the beer & puke soaked pavement.

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I can't abide such grotesque self greed. In fact, I think I'm a Fatist. No, I am a Fatist. Please tell her to stop. In fact, freak her out next time - present her with something healthy to eat. It may actually help her from a slow death.

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You do seem to have a bit of an obsession though, Jon. :grin:

I don't take offence, by the way. That might be because I take full responsibility for being the size, shape and weight I am. It's got feck all to do with genes and everything to do with a sedantry life-style and a penchant for fatty foods. :P

And remember - there's probably as much chance you'll cost the NHS thousands by arriving in A&E carrying your head with your saddle stuck up your arse than I will with a massive heart attack.

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And remember - there's probably as much chance you'll cost the NHS thousands by arriving in A&E carrying your head with your saddle stuck up your arse than I will with a massive heart attack.

:roflmao:Good point.

As long as I finish the race before turning up at A&E....:grin:

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So, your stalking her then? :secret:

In my home town there are afew " persons " of unique status of whom you cannot help but notice, we have your Bus stop weirdows who just seem to stand at bus stops with there back packs on all day.

Your military freaks who think were going to war and dress night + day as if we were.

Community service street cleaners trying not to be noticed with there floro jackets.

Beggers who beg for change then get in there BMW around the corner ! Yeap true.

Oh and your obese ones who walk around in shell suits with puple veined guts exposed hanging down to there knees.

Oh and nearly forgot about your walking lobster shoulderd tarts who think we dont have damaging sun !

Skin cancer doesnt seem to both the teenagers these days, they think there imune.

Im sure this is just a fine example of your average town, if yours is any different please add your comments

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