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As a PS3 newbie, what's this all about?

The little people want to register but I want to know what it is all about first. Do I register online via the PS3 or the laptop? What does basic registration enable e.g. connecting with friends, gameplay etc?

Can I restrict what connections are made and to whom and if so how?

Thanks :)

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Firstly its fee and you can create an account for you with a password and they could have one.

If you don't put a credit card in they won't be able to buy anything.

It allows you to get game demos, watch music videos for free and even buy games. You can install other software to go into virtual worlds and use it to play online in games.

Yes you can remove people if you don't want to be friends and you have to accept people if you want to be their friend and they have to know your ID in the first place. +++

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PSN is free to use and join, unlike 360 Gold. You can do most things on PSN that you can on Live, just not a easily, and party play is non existent.

I'm sure I've seen parental controls if you're worried about that (set with a 4 digit pin), and you can register with either laptop or PS3 - I did it through PS3. You will need to be able to access the email address you use as your login.

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Cheers folks, much appreciated.

So if I register their log ins, can I exercise a parental control option there and then via a PIN to restrict what I do and don't want them to have access to?

I'm not so much bothered about what they might do unsupervised (trying to download games etc) as they know what would happen, I'm more bothered about who they may come into contact with and what the extent of online interaction can be.

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