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mrk 2 golf gti problems


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Hi, I have a J reg golf mrk2 8 valve, i can get it to start and she idles at the usual revs but wont rev up unless left running with the throttle open for a good 10 or 15 mins, then as soon as you let off the throttle it dies back to idle revs again and no response from the throttle. Oh and this happened over night, it rained extremely heavily, then i used a little wd 40 which always used to do the trick ! Ive changed the plugs, distro cap, rotor arm, fuel filter, air filter but no change. please help !!!! cheers Dan

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Hi Dan!

Welcome to TSN,

What happens when you start, and use the throttle calbe in the engine bay? Does it rev OK then?

Also, when you look into and around the air filter housing you'll see a few small pipes leading from it. These are vacuum pipes and might be kinked/leaking. Check them to make sure they are sound.

Hope that helps.

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thanks for your response, its the same as using the peddle, it just idles really badly, its kind of like when the engine is damp in the morning after a terrible rain storm and wont fire on all cylinders for a little. ive replaced all the vacum hoses to, im really stuck !

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Carb Cleaner is what it's called from Halfrauds.

I spary it in once past the air filter. Open the air pipe, shove the straw through (keep the pipe on, for air flow reasons) start the engine, rev it and spray the stuff in liberally.

Also, remove the air pipe at the inlet manifold and spray very liberally. Leave it for a while, re-attach and start. Will take a while to start with all that crap being bunrt off..

It's worth a go.

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