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Any Touran thoughts


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  • 1 month later...
i am looking aswell for a touran,i like the look of the sport spec,they are quite well loaded.

Do 2.0L Tourans have any common problems?

Im looking for a 55 plate onwards.

Try to get one with the new Common Rail Diesel engine if you can. Better emissions, lower noise from the engine and better economy!

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  • 5 weeks later...

My 05 plate 2.0 TDi has generally given pretty good service. I had a problem with the cruise control that was only significant due to making the grave error of taking it to the simply staggeringly incompetent Chiswick Volkswagen.

It's not a thrilling drive but it's very competent and has taken everything thrown at it.

My sister's S-Max is better, though.

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