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any1 help !! RNS 510


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just fitted a rns 510 version c dec 2009 in my mk6 six golf. Everything woking fine only the navigation guidence in the highline computer isnt in the menu. ive fitted a mfd2 in my old mark 5 golf and all the options in the menu worked as soon as i switched it on, does any 1 know how this option works or is it a system problem or update. i think its the latest version hope some1 but dont know how to find this out can tell me what bottons to press!!! cheers andy.

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Vcds is the new vag-com. It is a lead that you plug into your diagnostics port in your car and the other end into your laptop. Using the software provided with the lead you can change certain settings aswell as check for faults.

Last week i added a Fiscon bluetooth unit to my Pirelli Gti with RNS 510. As my car didn't have bluetooth when it was made i had to plug my car in to vcds and go to the correct menu, there were lots of boxes some with ticks in and some without. The ones with ticks in represent what you have enabled on your car, the telephone box was not ticked and as a result of me ticking it i told the car that i have bluetooth and then it recognised it.

99% sure there is a sat nav box that you will need to tick. VCDS is not cheap £250 official Ross tech jobs, there are cheaper ebay versions but they dont work very well. Your best bet is to put a post up asking if anyone is near you and im sure some friendly TSN'r would pop round. Its a 30 second job with vcds.

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