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VW Caddy EGR Fault Code


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Hi I hope someone here can help me as i'm at a loss on this one.

2005 Caddy 2.0 SDI

110 000 miles

Exhaust fault light came on, a friend had a basic code reader and it said EGR fault. No problem, replaced the EGR valve cleared the code and off to go.

Within 20 miles the lights back on, so I decide to buy a code reader myself. This is what I find,

17848 -096 CAN BUS

EGR Valve (N18) : Open Circuit : P1440

16787 -112 CAN BUS

EGR Valve (N18) : Malfunction :P0403

I cannot seem to find much info on the 2.0 SDI engine so dont really know what else to be looking for.

If some kind person could give me an idea of what else I should be checking or replacing then it would be a great help.

Also am I right in thinking that this engine was also available in the Golf? As I would love to get a Haynes manual or something to help me with servicing ect.


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