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general upgrading


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I own a 1995 golf mk3 gti 2.0 8v. Id jus like to know wat inexpensive and quick options do i have in order to make my car a lil faster.

I was also thnking of gettin a lowering kit, i'd just like to know what would be better...the 40mm all around drop or the 60mm at the front and 40mm at the back? The car is sitting on 15inch TSW evo-R's.

Help is kindly appreciated.


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Personal opinion, but I think you'd be wasting your time trying to tune the old n/a 2.0, short of an exhaust and induction kit, to make it sound a bit better, you won't really gain anything without spending big money.

You'd be better of upgrading the brakes, then the suspension, so you can carry more speed through the corners and brake later.

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