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Are Banks good or Bad?


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So, I was out tonight. Ended up getting a few drinks, and tried to pay by card (Oceana). Bill came to around 22 quid, I had a tenna on me... So obviously card was the only option. Repeatedly tried, repeatedly declined... Got escorted to the cash machine inside, where I not only tried to check my balance, but also tried to withdraw cash. Declined on every account (PIN number was definitely right). Got escorted by a manager to the entrance, where he wanted collateral so I could try a cashpoint down the road. Gave him my wallet, as my phone was worth alot more than 12 quid (Difference in the cash I could give and the bill).

I know for a fact that my balance could easily cover a measly 22 quid, and I know that the pin was right. At the cash point, there were a few women in front of me... All had problems with the cash machine (Even though the ATM wasnt saying out of order or thereabouts, and was saying "Please insert Card"). Asked them if they were with barclays - Funny enough, they all were. Problem was that the "issuer couldnt verify the card details" (Same for everybody at the cash point). My assumption is that the clocks going back caused major problems...

Anyway, theres me with 12 quid of debt, a manager with my wallet (with all the cards I have etc), surrounded by bouncers. Had to get hold of my mates to come back for me, get them to pay off my "debt" so I could atleast get my wallet back and leave...

Basically, a story that totally ruined my night (For many reasons). Anybody else had any problems with banks 'cos of the clocks going back? Pretty drunk and ****ed off typing this as you can probably understand (Being made to look like an absolute **** in front of a club, despite having no power over it).

Plan on phoning them tomorrow and giving them a lip-full... Definitely wasnt the end to a night I was expecting.

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Hopefully you won't mind me adding my 2p's worth re: banks.

I think most deserve the rank of shoddy, at best.

Here's something to watch out for.

Bonus rates............................

Chris chucks about the same wedge as a new 330d in to Abbey / Santander E saver account. Carp interest of £100 or so per month, 3 months ago that drops to £12 pm. Phone them and say my interest has dropped and coincidently at the same time as moving a few £1000's out of account, since the T&C's were no penalty withdrawals could you please explain why the interest has dropped so much ?

I'll look in to and sent you a letter says the man from India. So three weeks later no letter.

I then review the T&C's and notice that the E Saver account holding the money was a bonus account, and that the bonus amount goes away 1 year after opening the account- which is the obvious explanation as to the change of interest per month.

So beware such accounts, they do expire and when they do the banks don't 'think' to offer you a renewed product or warn of change, they are more than happy for your money to be held in an account earning absolutely feck all.

Legal mugging comes to mind............

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They're all the same but we have a lot of issues with our business bankers, Nat West, when we make transactions overseas.

In particular the purchase of SSL certificates for websites, usually bought through an overseas broker.

In every instance they'd decline the transaction on a company debit card. We then wait 10-15 minutes and we get a phone call from the bank. It's always one of those fraud protection services where they repeat the last 5 transactions on a card. So, we spend another 15 minutes pressing keys on the phone to say everything is fine, and then they'd tell us we may want to try our transaction again. So we would - and in 50% of cases it'd decline again - and if it did that we couldn't use the card for a couple of hours.

So, we'd end up phoning them - and this must have happened 5-6 times. They'd apologise and say it was their systems and we'd ask if they could please set any transactions with this vendor to be safe for us. But no, they never did. In the end we got in touch directly with the vendor and set up a formal credit account. The thing is, we shouldn't have to do it. Their systems are their for our protection and I appreciate that, but it was a total pain in the arse.

We still get occasional issues. My company card was declined in a restaurant about 2 months ago when I was out with a client and paying for lunch. How embarassing? It was all because of the same thing - a place we'd not used it before, out of our immediate area and for small amount. Again they said it was fraud protection. It's ludicrous.

It has got to the point now where if I think I'm going to be using a company card in an unusual place, physically being there, that'll I'll draw £400 cash on it and use that - something our accountants reallllllly don't like if I lose the bloody receipts.

The interesting thing, and if someone could enlighten me on this I'd appreciate it, is that the bank said we'd be better off using a company credit card as the fraud detection is different and we'd not get issues. But why should it be different for a VISA debit card than it would be for a VISA or Mastercard credit card? It baffles me.

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The engines that work out the patterns are quite clever and the do look at spending patterns and also the type of card and who "owns" it.

Think about what the "normal" spending pattern would be on a personal card vs corporate?

on a personal card you are unlikley to be buying hotel rooms (or SSLs) very much; or very often. But you might use it more at Amazon; Sainsburys and Tesco.

The rules engines are quite clever and have expected speding pattens; for example a personal card, you might thing buying SSLs in a different locale is unusual, but weekly spending at Tesco or sainsburys is normal; Ditto weekly purchases of PC's from Dell might be normal on a corporate and not on a personal card....

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Those 'rules engines' are so clever that when you phone up the card Co's and forewarn them that your going travelling they still manage to put stops on your cards for unusual spending.

Happened to me in NY last February- fortunately debit based cards don't seem to suffer the same way. I wonder why !!(something to do with spending money you have rather than spending credit ?)

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You must be a bad risk then!!!

No, I think its more to do with zero borrowing (of any sort) for 10+ years, immediate zeroing of any card use every month (if used) and the fact that (having just looked) I've used my 3 cards less than 10 times in the last 6 months.

I am an old fashioned cash type of guy !

Funny thing is the limits on the credit cards keeps on climbing- are the robots attempting to bait me in to spending ?

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The interesting thing, and if someone could enlighten me on this I'd appreciate it, is that the bank said we'd be better off using a company credit card as the fraud detection is different and we'd not get issues. But why should it be different for a VISA debit card than it would be for a VISA or Mastercard credit card? It baffles me.

Possibly, but company credit cards are not without their problems. I've got a Corporate card from Barclays (well 2 actually) and 1 from HSBC. I've had those cards for about 9 years and in the time I've always travelled extensively - it isn't uncommon for me to be away from home for a month at home and quite often I'm hiring cars when abroad, plus I book all my travel arrangements on a card.

Now even with the regular spending pattern I have the HSBC card will invariably get blocked once a month by their over zealous fraud protection systems. When I call India to ask them why the feck they've declined to let me pay my hotel bill they'll say that my recent spending pattern is unusual and has triggered their fraud protection systems. Even when I point out that my spending patterns haven't changed for 9 years or so they babble a bit, ask me to verify some transactions and then thank me for my time and let me get on with my day.

They are also in the habit of leaving a message on my answering machine at home to ask if I'm abroad as they've noticed some unusual transactions. They've been instructed to call the accounts team in the office in the first instance or failing that to call my mobile but they never do that. I got home from Belgium on Wednesday night and having had the HSBC card declined at the petrol station just off the UK side of the Channel Tunnel and had a message left on Monday asking me to call them urgently regarding possible fraudulant use of the card abroad.

Luckily we're closing the HSBC accounts so I'll be using a Barclaycard all the time. I don't like Barclays as a bank but their Corporate credit card is great - it works when I need it to and they've never left me unable to board a flight because they've declined my card. Unlike those HSBC people have. Three times. Grr.

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The rules engines are in general pretty poor. When Barclays put theirs in I had major problems and got fed up. In the end I insisted they take my cards out of their fraud protection systems and since then I have had no problems.

American Express also seem to be pretty good on this in that I put a lot of expenses on this and yet to have a referral.

Cannot see the point of company debit/credit cards as they don't really stack up unless you are a huge corporation and getting kickback on the purchase amount.

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Yeah, Amex are pretty good, I've had zero problems with them.

I do see the point with company credit cards - it means I don't need to fund the company during hte month and wait for my expenses to be paid before I can pay my credit card bill. My company credit card bills are usually > £5k/month and I wouldn't want to bank roll that.

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I'm intrigued to know if nationwide have any rules around their Visa debit cards becaus they didn't bother contacting me or stopping my card for 3 or 4 days when I'd apparently bought plane tickets in 2 different parts of America, 1 in Canada and 1 in Germany whilst also doing my shopping locally in Tesco. :ffs:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Lets bash the banks again - its now an established sport.

Fraud detection software has saved me a packet in the last 3-4 years. Three times it has picked up fraudulent activities way before I did and once it picked up one falsely. Personally I can deal with that.

The software that does this is incredibly complex and its being perfected and improved all the time but it cant stop everything.

For debit cards or credit - it makes no difference. If someone nicks money out of an account the customer expects the banks to give them back that money regardless - and they do this in most cases (although I do realise some may have problems but this is part of modern culture - i.e. Insurance companies etc also have to ensure that they aren't refunding someone who hasn't just spent money and tried to claim it was someone else!)

I've never seen a post saying thanks to a bank in here - maybe I'm wrong but then I've not been around here very much in the last couple of years.....

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Fraud detection software has saved me a packet in the last 3-4 years. Three times it has picked up fraudulent activities way before I did and once it picked up one falsely. Personally I can deal with that.


3 times............ Your doing something badly wrong my friend. Never use your credit card to register on pron sites, use a friends.

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I've never seen a post saying thanks to a bank in here

Why would you expect to?

They are one of the biggest money making machines in the world, all of them and they are largely responsible for the global economic crisis.

What the feck have we got to thank them for? Or, unless my memory deserts me, don't you have an employment connection with a bank?

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Lets bash the banks again - its now an established sport.

Absolutely, they're a bunch of numpties. Capital One have cancelled my card 3 times in 18 months, never once paying me the courtesy of letting me know. So I go to pay for food/fuel/restaurant etc only to be told my card is declined. All they ever say is "possible fraudulent use" - they won't tell me what or where this use has been and get all pre-menstrual when I launch a verbal broadside about them not telling me they've cancelled the card. I've even had them say they had rang me 'this morning' despite there being no missed calls.

The posts thanking insurance companies are a bit thin on the ground too. I need a hug :P

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I'll publicly laud Egg as they've been fantastic for me. When I've had unusual transactions they go through but I get a call in the next 24 hours checking everything is ok.

My card got skimmed in Dublin Airport Burger King and I got a call 2 days later informing me of some dodgy transactions. Card cancelled and a new one on the doorstep within 36 hours.

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Why would you expect to?

They are one of the biggest money making machines in the world, all of them and they are largely responsible for the global economic crisis.

What the feck have we got to thank them for? Or, unless my memory deserts me, don't you have an employment connection with a bank?

Sorry Chris but I'm trying to provide a balanced argument. I'm making a point - my personal circumstances shouldn't have anything to do with this.

If you don't want to use a bank then don't nobody is forcing you - put all your money under the mattress! :P

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