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An insurance policy wording


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Warranty - does that mean things already covered under warranty i.e. this is for accidents and not normal failures

Fuel - unsure

Paintwork - that one worries me !!

Fabirc protection - I guess is means if it's treated then they'd only replace with the original seat etc and not have it treated.


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I presume this relates to the 135.

warranty costs - The cost of any additional warranty you've taken out over and above what's included as standard

fuel - goes without saying

paintwork and fabric protection applications - supagard and fabricgard spring to mind. Also understandable.

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I presume this relates to the 135.

warranty costs - The cost of any additional warranty you've taken out over and above what's included as standard

fuel - goes without saying

paintwork and fabric protection applications - supagard and fabricgard spring to mind. Also understandable.

I read it exactly the same as Mook

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Yep I read it as one, "Paintwork and fabric protection" meaning the superguard type products.

However BMW Gap insurance actually mean Paintwork. And Fabric protection. So will not payout for Metallic paint on the gap insurance. (not paying for the service pack and the fuel I can understand). Called them this morning to question this, seems this is the third version of the wording in their policy and "I am not the first person" to query this when a claim is made. When I mentioned the FSA the woman on the phone got a little nervous and asked I write to BMW Gap first to complain.......

Not happy

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Yep I read it as one, "Paintwork and fabric protection" meaning the superguard type products.

However BMW Gap insurance actually mean Paintwork. And Fabric protection.

Well thats clearly misleading as I think 99% of reasonably savy individuals would expect without the full stop or other punctuation after Paintwork that it relates to protection of the paintwork as there is nothign to differentiate that from fabric protection. Given dealers try to ram paintwork protection down your throat anyone reading it would assume that it relates to supaguard and I'd have thought you hae a good case.

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There's no way that would stand up. How can they reasonably expect to exclude paintwork? If they meant that they excluded the cost of metallic/pearl paint then it should explicitly state that.

DHA - I would give them 1 chance to put things right. If they don't, tell them you're disputing it and will be contacting the Financial Ombudsman - how to complain? The first steps to start a grievance and also the FSA as you believe the policy wording is deliberately misleading.

My guess is they would back down, even if it's the "gesture of goodwill" guff they all spout.

I would then contact the FO and FSA anyway.

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Cant recall the cost off hand but it was at least £500 if not a bit more. I will give them one chance to right this as you say Milo then it is the FSA.

I don't even think you can get the interior protection on it's own as you usually have to buy that with the exterior stuff.

Clearly trying it on.

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I'm in agreement with everyone else here, that they are talking about paintwork protection treatments and fabric protection treatments.

It also conflicts with what every BMW salesman told me about GAP insurance (in relation to three consecutive cars), that you just send them the original invoice for the car and the number at the bottom of it is what you get paid in total. No mention of some options not being covered, no mention of "except the paint of course", nothing. What you paid for the car, less what your insurer is giving you, is what the GAP insurance pays out. Full stop.

I can remember this clearly, because it was so simple. You pay for the car, if you lose it you get your money back.

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I do this for a living and I would interpret it the same way everyone else has.

what you need to do is:

1. follow the gap insurances complaints mechanism

2. if the don't resolve it escalate it to the financial ombudsman

Please note given the low amount, and the fact that the FoS will charge them £250 to handle the complaint (win lose or draw they have to foot the bill), Im sure it will be resolved before that is needed.

Also note that there is a rule in insurances which states that "any vague policy wordings must be interpretted in the favour of the policyholder, not the insurer"

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